How you can do your bit to help the world out


Death Scythe
I came across this quite amazing invention today, where basically anyone around the world can help out in massive scientific projects - by giving up some of their CPU power.

As some people may know, there are massive projects out there that need the power of hundreds of thousands of computers to solve, and so they take years to complete. Someone had this idea to make it possible for anyone anywhere with a computer to download a part of the project and use their computer to try and solve it, then sending it back to the main project, which then speeds up the project significantly.
If you have a PS3, it seems one of these projects teamed up with Sony so you can set the program running on that too.
There are a lot of projects - each doing different things, from working out how proteins fold, to finding a cure for AIDS, to fighting viruses, to solving massive mathematical problems, to art!

So if you feel strongly enough to help out, you can download this program from below and select a project from the list - I'm currently doing a protein folding one, which will hopefully help find cures for Alzheimers and other such diseases.

I think you've got the wrong idea, Ryo, and anyway - do you turn your computer off every time you go afk?

It's not about "saving the world" either, it's about working on a project that could help a lot of people. It's not focussed on "global warming" either, in fact there are only one or two projects that are to do with that.
Carbon footprint my ass, if you think the world is actually going to stop or drop fossil fuel usage to a great enough degree then you're sadly mistaken. A mate of mine is studying environmental science at uni and he's actually for using up our fossil fuels as quickly as possible.


We're never going to stop using fossil fuels. Yes we'll make them last longer but we're never just going to stop using them until we've exhausted every single last atom of them. UNLESS some major new power source is found before then OR major and i mean MAJOR GLOBAL reform.
But even then the oil companies will want to squeeze every last pound out of oil before resorting to something new. After all if theres hardly any supply they'll be raking it in.

Necessity and war are the things which bring about leaps and bounds in technology, it wont be until we've got our backs right up against the wall that we actually begin to seriously find alternative means of power.

I do folding@home whenever i get the chance for my PS3, at least its making something of a difference - going forward to save thousands, maybe millions of lives rather than putting off global warming by 5-10 years.
Liquid Skin said:
Carbon footprint my ass, if you think the world is actually going to stop or drop fossil fuel usage to a great enough degree then you're sadly mistaken. A mate of mine is studying environmental science at uni and he's actually for using up our fossil fuels as quickly as possible.


We're never going to stop using fossil fuels. Yes we'll make them last longer but we're never just going to stop using them until we've exhausted every single last atom of them. UNLESS some major new power source is found before then OR major and i mean MAJOR GLOBAL reform.
But even then the oil companies will want to squeeze every last pound out of oil before resorting to something new. After all if theres hardly any supply they'll be raking it in.

Necessity and war are the things which bring about leaps and bounds in technology, it wont be until we've got our backs right up against the wall that we actually begin to seriously find alternative means of power.

I do folding@home whenever i get the chance for my PS3, at least its making something of a difference - going forward to save thousands, maybe millions of lives rather than putting off global warming by 5-10 years.

Youre completely right about youre fossisl fuel theory.
And the truth is we already HAVE the technology to scrap fossil fuels, but unfortunatly the world runs on money.

Sure a cure for cancer was found recently(yes you heard that right) but no pharmacutical company will fund its mass production because the base drug is so easy and cheap to produce that they wont make any money fom it.
Thats gives you some idea of the sick people running this world.
i love how easy it is to set some people off on this forum :D

seriously, don't u guys know me enough yet to only take me seriously 50% of the time :wink:
Outlawstar said:
Sure a cure for cancer was found recently.

So what one was this? The only one I've heard of as working well was using gold nanoparticles that attach to a tumor, then blasting infra red light at them heats them up killing the tumor - which has been very successful so far, apparently.
I'd love to see one : D.

I'd love to see a film about what could go wrong with nanotechnology.

I'm going into the field myself, when I start Uni, so I hope to work on this cancer thing at some point. Although the testing will probably be over by the time I graduate - if I do at all that is. :D
DaNiMe-sama said:
I'd love to see one : D.

I'd love to see a film about what could go wrong with nanotechnology.

I'm going into the field myself, when I start Uni, so I hope to work on this cancer thing at some point. Although the testing will probably be over by the time I graduate - if I do at all that is. :D

Sounds cool.Have fun.

You prob know this but one of the main problems with nanotechnology is that items of such a small scal stick together.
Something scientists couldint figure out until they applied the casimir principle which had predicted this but of course the scientist who came up with it was ridiculed, like a lot of scientists over the years with perfectly provable theories.

The fact they stick together is something to do with there being energy in empty space even when alll physical matter is removed from the vaacuum, sort of like ghost matter.
Its very interesting and scientists are currently working on reversing the casmir effect to make the nano tech repel.(In fact I think they just recently did just that)

And if this can be applied to a greater scale then boom.
Weve got levitation people, thats right , the power to defy gravity.
Interesting stuff.
As for the cure for cancer, check it out here.

And dont forget to do your own research as it states.
[url= ... 7600.shtml[/url]
Thanks a lot for that information Outlawstar; I wasn't aware of the sticky nano particles actually, I've yet research it thoroughly because life is busy.
That cure for cancer article really amazed me, it seems to be totally viable as a cure than any other I've read about. The one I mentioned using the gold nano particles was the only one I had thought - hey, this actually seems like it could work - about, but this just blows me away. I'll be doing some more research into it myself tonight, and the credibility for it is backed up by New Scientist as well, so I have no doubts about it either. So yeah, I'm really ecstatic about the whole thing. :)