Homepage observation


I promise that this is merely an observation and not a criticism in any way but the home page looks a little out of date due to the latest reviews section. (Elfen Lied is pretty old now).

I appreciate that people are busy and that Paul was recently looking for new reviewers, so I stress that I'm not being critical. I just thought that it may leave some passers by thinking that the site is a little un-maintained and perhaps go elsewhere instead of making this their on-line anime home.

I wish I could offer to help out myself, I'd love to write reviews but sadly I don't have the literary skills.
Rest assured, it's nothing to be concerned about, I am working to remedy this. We have appointed 3 new DVD reviewers (Nargis Ahmad, Ryan Hopkins and Sarah Ash) and in addition to Andy, Martin and myself, we now have a hungry team ready and waiting to start devouring anime!

This has coincided with me completely revamping the website's database, and given we've been collecting content for nearly 3 years, it's a heavy job! I hope to be able to get something online this weekend (review section).

Until then, sit tight. Nothing is going to come crashing down just yet.
OK - as promised, I've rushed through development for our review centre and hence, the new review "embargo" has been lifted. Reviews will now start flowing again, and I hope to be able to get the articles section back in order soon too. Visually nothing much has changed but it's a whole new engine under the bonnet.
Paul said:
OK - as promised, I've rushed through development for our review centre and hence, the new review "embargo" has been lifted. Reviews will now start flowing again, and I hope to be able to get the articles section back in order soon too. Visually nothing much has changed but it's a whole new engine under the bonnet.

it's like a Super Aguri then XD (F1 joke)
As it’s easy to criticise or point out problems I thought I’d actually take time to give a little praise.

Since I originally posted this thread, the steady flow of DVD reviews that are now going up on the site is great to see. And they’re quality reviews too. It was particularly nice to see a review of a DVD not currently available here. As much as this is a UK site, it’s good to see an occasional review of an R1 disc (such as Midori Days) as there are a lot of importers who frequent this site.

Nice work all.
Cheers! Since we've started posting the DVD reviews again, we've managed to publish 29 in 31 days. With our new team playing such a blinder right now, we're really doing well. Great to see our efforts aren't going unnoticed.