Holiday and Engagement - Her Answer Update


Hi all,

Tomorrow (wednesday) I am off for a week to Cyprus, gonna be chilling out in the sun drinking free beer and missing my anime (no really Kenichi just got really good and I am gonna miss the next episode).

Anyway I am going to cyprus to see my sister get married to one of my mates and I am really looking forward to the ceremony, mainly cause I get a present, only downside is that I will be wearing Lylac although it looks closer to pink (yes I'll post the embarrassing pic of me when I get back).

Well as I am out there for a week and there is a beach and a sunset I figured I would take the opportunity and setting to propose to my long-suffering girlfriend, we have been together for 3 or 4 years and its time to settle down.... if only she likes anime.

Well I guess I will talk to you all when I get back

Later Days
Wow i hope it all goes well for you - sooooo jealous of the lylac attire. :p Anyways good luck with the proposal, beaches and sunsets are always a winning combination.

Have a great time, see ya.
Re: Holiday and Engagement

McIcy said:
Well as I am out there for a week and there is a beach and a sunset I figured I would take the opportunity and setting to propose to my long-suffering girlfriend, we have been together for 3 or 4 years and its time to settle down.... if only she likes anime.

Well, if she liked anime then I think the surprise would be ruined =P
Woot! A "Train man" Experience! XD
Good luck! And don't panic about messing up. Since you've been together for so long, she'll just count it as part of your charm. Confidence, man! Go FTW!

Good luck mate, and have a good holiday/wedding invite!
I am Engaged, I asked her on our last day out there and she said yes so i am now a man looking at marriage.

As soon as she saw the ring she cried and then started laughing like a mad scientist and then she said yes, now she keeps walking around looking at the new ring on her finger and giggling, I fear this may get annoying very very fast
Ah congratulations dude, i'm glad it worked out so well for you - too well by the sounds of it!

You should have given her a practice engagement ring instead so she could have at least get used to it before the real deal. :p