

Completely Average High School Student
hey guys :D I just finished my second AMV.. you were pretty enthusiastic about my first amv (the gaara tribute) so please tell me what you think about this one. :eek: I personally was hoping to make something better lol ..it's nothing very special..it's not something uncommon. But oh well people said it was a decent AMV. take a look :)
oh..and please watch it in high quality, because the standard one doesn't have its original template size

Well, that has gotta be one of the better/best Bleach vids I've seen for a while. On the level on Kamalot's "Soul Society" one, and that was sweet. ;)

Well done! ***** = 5 star!
I love that song - didn't like the fight scenes in the video, they seemed a bit gratuitous. Every other non battle scene was very good though.
thank you >:D<

yes...about the fighting scenes..eh..I just thought fighting was getting them higher in a way. plus, they were fighting for their friends :D I know I could have made it better..oh and i also didn't have a lot of patience while looking for all the scenes. In some places I wanted to use other scenes but I couldn't find them and eh I'm lazy :lol:

Ryo Chan, what do you mean by smaller screens? Do you mean the format of the screen/template?
ah I think I got it. well.. each video you add has an 'event pan/crop' window, and there you have two options: position and mask. so by having selected the 'position' you can change the size of the clip and move it wherever you want. that's the easiest way to make a video smaller. if you want to use only a portion from the added clips go to 'video FX' to 'cookie cutter' and just use one on your video. then go to 'event FX' and see how many things you can do, I hope I helped you a bit. tell me if this is not what you were asking

edit: here is a video which might help you. he says at 1:20 how to rotate and change size