

Brigade Leader
Hi my is name Emily Griffiths, I have always liked watching Anime and reading manga.

My favourate anime is GITS SAC 1st and 2nd Gig and my favourate manga is Fusigi Yugi and GITS manga 1 and 2.

I learned of this forum off the site Eye on Anime a few months ago and have been flitting on the forums just not participating in the forums.

Please bear with me as I am quite shy, I hope to become quite regular in the forums.

This forum seems like a nice friendly place.

Konnichiwa! :D Welcome to the mad house. Cookies are by the front door as you come in :wink:

Hm...I actually used to know an Emily Griffiths...would be funny if you were the same one ^_^
Where can you find picture avatars and can you put the avatars on anytime or do you have to post so many times before you can put the avatar in or something like that.
Welcome to the forums! Seems like you have good taste in anime and manga...don't worry, this is a really friendly place! :D