Hi, looking for friends in Newport, Wales


Completely Average High School Student
I'm from Newport in South Wales, though I just moved here about 6 months ago from Manchester, as I got a job working in the Public Sector. I'm a Software Developer, and graduated from Salford University (near Manchester) a couple years back, in Computer Science. I'm 25, in case anyones wondering.

I'm looking for friends, though being as 'shy' or reserved as I am, its hard for me to start a conversation with a complete stranger, though once I get talking, I get talking, lol. I mean talk to people at work, but wouldn't really call them friends and we don't have much in common.

I'm obviously into Anime (Started with DBZ on Cartoon Network in 1998, then Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion in 2001), though not into Manga (I read too much, don't have much time to read Manga). Though I have less time to watch Anime these days, I'm currently trying to catch up to to Naruto Shippuden, Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (about 15 to 25 episodes behind).

I'm also into technology, and spend much of my free time (mostly at work) reading about technology news (Windows Phone 7 Series looks amazing).

I enjoy watching Sci-Fi TV Series and Films. I'm currently watching Buffy and Smallville from the beginning on the Sci-Fi Channel (and will start watching Angel soon).

Current TV Series include: Lost, Heroes (on hold for now - been quite boring this season), Fringe (a little behind), FlashForward (also a little behind), Warehouse 13, and probably a few others I forgot to mention. Oh, and Batman - the Bold and the Brave (animated).

I play PC games. Brought over 70 on Steam since I joined about 2 months ago (most over 1-2 years old - PC not good enough for newer games). Profile: 1nsignia. Have only played a few so far, as my laptop was not good enough to play most of them, though my PC should, which I just brought with me the last time I went home (to Manchester). Some games I look forward to playing soon: Mass Effect 1, BioShock 1, Mirrors Edge, Batman Arkham Asylum, Crysis (hopefully), Unreal Tournament (all), Far Cry & various other Indie Action and Strategy games. Add me as a friend any Steamers out there.
Awesome, a fan of television. Stick around, please! I have about two people to talk to on here about that and they rarely do. I watch, have watched or played everything you have listed in bold, excluding a couple of the games.