Hey! :>


Stand User
I'm nick i'm 16 anime fan on the side(i keep it hidden from my freinds) i've been a fan since errrrm well when they first showed evangelion on sci fi.

I usually watch anime, i can speak some japanesse picked up over time i'm a college student in ict and one day planning to be an ict technician or video game devloper :D

Theres my life,i found this site of google trying to find anime on uk tv still no luck :cry:

Neway hi everyone 8)
Welcome to the forum dude, keep an eye on the posts here for what anime is on tv and when as someone always posts what they see in the tv guides.
Well there not exactly the understanding sort basically to them anime=cartoons=kiddy thing so it saves a lot of agro if i just keep it a secret :shock:
Hey welcome to the forums :), it's ok to be a closet fan, of course it would be so much better if you weren't, but then your friends eyes would probably just glaze over everytime you brought up the subject anyway like mine do, lol