Hello there

Mandy Chan

Hi there from a new Member. Im Mandy, Im a big Anime from the North East of England near Newcastle and nice to meet you all. I came here because well.. I wanted to join a exciting new forum to discuss Anime and this one seemed cool.

So yea hello fellow Anime Fans X3
Welcome to the forums Mandy!

I believe you're avatar is Xellos? I agree with Rui that it's an awesome choice! :D What other Anime are you into?
Thanks to all of youXD And to answer all your questions.. Yes I love Xellos! That's why I have him as my choice for avatar. Yay for Xellos and Slayers. Other anime I love are:
Black Butler
Soul Eater
Naruto/Naruto shippuden
Devil May Cry
Studio Ghibli Movies
And... Others I can't really think of at the moment
He's nothing but a messenger boy!!! (Or so he'll make you think...) :D
Bring back the Serpent that slithers on her white belly, whose ecstatic cries echo across the mountains!

Anyways, hello there Mandy. Feel free to look around and stay.
Hello & welcome to the forum Mandy Chan. Always good to see a new Slayers fan.

Hawthorns said:
OH MANDYYY. Hello! No one ever congratulated me on my awesome avatar. SIGH.

Well I did know a Baggies fan back when I went to school if it helps?
Hawthorns said:

Well you came and you gave without taking
but I sent you away, oh Mandy
well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today, oh Mandy


Welcome to the forums, what anime, manga do you like and have you ever gone to the london expo? if not, there's a manchester one now i believe. So your in a stroke of luck!
