Heath Ledger is D-E-A-D

Was just about topost that The Joker had died, guess they'll be needing a new guy for the next Batman flick.

Another actor gives in to a Drug Overdose
He doesn't get any more sympathy from me than any of the other dead people who have done much more remarkable things with their life but never recieved any press coverage.

But I guess The Dark Knight will be an even bigger hit now.
The Dark Knight best bloody not be pushed back lol

Real gutted about his death, great actor, his performance as the Joker was one i really can't wait to see. Now it will be overshadowed by his death.

I guess he had his reasons.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger
LukasROAR said:
Now it will be overshadowed by his death.
I think that a lot of people will actually be 'afraid' to critique the film now. If it's good then great, at least he got the perfect swansong but if it's crap then I wish people would just say so. That's what gets me sometimes when this sort of thing happens. Very sad yes, but they shouldn't be raised to the level of gods just because they died.
I don't think it's been confirmed it was suicide yet - he may have just had one too many... pills.

But it does seem strange that he would arrange for a massage before ODing.

My thoughts... sure, he was a good actor. But if a good accountant with a family decided to commit suicide, would everyone feel sorry for him? No. They would be angry. And just because Heath was good at his job doesn't mean he should be remembered fondly for doing something stupid.
Very sad and shocking news. Heath Ledger was outstanding as an actor, particularly in Brokeback Mountain for which he was nominated for an Oscar. He has so much potential, too!
CitizenGeek said:
He has so much potential, too!
He Had so much potential you mean. An yes I was surprised to hear about this but all in all it doesn't affect me I mean how many so called fans will even remember him in a couple years time? Most of them will find someone else to like or to be obsessed about. I always find it strange how they make a big deal of someone "famous" dying but when say 30 people get killed in Iraq they are just mentioned as a number nothing else is heard. Its silly to put one persons death above others I think regardless of the fact there well known or not.
That Man said:
CitizenGeek said:
He has so much potential, too!
He Had so much potential you mean. An yes I was surprised to hear about this but all in all it doesn't affect me I mean how many so called fans will even remember him in a couple years time? Most of them will find someone else to like or to be obsessed about. I always find it strange how they make a big deal of someone "famous" dying but when say 30 people get killed in Iraq they are just mentioned as a number nothing else is heard. Its silly to put one persons death above others I think regardless of the fact there well known or not.

You have to remember the whole point of the media is to air intresting stories and attract as many viewers/readers as possible.
Fact is 30 people in iraq may die and it's very sad but it doesn't create ground breaking headlines.
Famous actor dies you get huge headlines,scandals interviews the media isn't paying homage to an actor there spinning the story for there own means.
Look at diana story.
Another celeb has taken the bus to celeb heaven. Looks like the Dark Knight is gonna be another "The Crow" film. Luck would have it that they'd finished filming Batman by now and Heath was actually working on another film, directed by Terry Gilliam, the name escapes me at the moment though.

They reckon it could have been suicide as he was said to have been taking a mix of drugs with sleeping pills? How much of this is true I don't know. Also he died in the pent-house of one of the Olsen twins. She wasn't there at the time like. Maybe she should go to jail? :p
That Man said:
CitizenGeek said:
He has so much potential, too!
He Had so much potential you mean. An yes I was surprised to hear about this but all in all it doesn't affect me I mean how many so called fans will even remember him in a couple years time? Most of them will find someone else to like or to be obsessed about. I always find it strange how they make a big deal of someone "famous" dying but when say 30 people get killed in Iraq they are just mentioned as a number nothing else is heard. Its silly to put one persons death above others I think regardless of the fact there well known or not.
Aye good point because no one remembers the likes of James Dean and River Pheonix do they.
Lol theres always one that actually believes just because we're all gutted that we value his life above others. Did any of us say that?
Yeah he was good at his job and yeah he's just another person on this earth but if people are upset with it let them be. I love how people preach and get offended that people get upset when celebs die, did i know Jimmy who died in Iraq last week...no i didn't. Did i know Heath, no i didn't yet i am aware and have seen his work first hand.
Iraq, makes me laugh, i really don't understand why people always refer to it in this scenario. Depending on your moral and political stance why should anyone care about Iraqi deaths more than celebrities. Sure it's a shame, unnecasary death always is, i think it's out of order for you to assume you know everyone here so well that you can make the assumption that they value Ledger's life higher than others.
LukasROAR said:
That Man said:
CitizenGeek said:
He has so much potential, too!
He Had so much potential you mean. An yes I was surprised to hear about this but all in all it doesn't affect me I mean how many so called fans will even remember him in a couple years time? Most of them will find someone else to like or to be obsessed about. I always find it strange how they make a big deal of someone "famous" dying but when say 30 people get killed in Iraq they are just mentioned as a number nothing else is heard. Its silly to put one persons death above others I think regardless of the fact there well known or not.
Aye good point because no one remembers the likes of James Dean and River Pheonix do they.
Lol theres always one that actually believes just because we're all gutted that we value his life above others. Did any of us say that?
Yeah he was good at his job and yeah he's just another person on this earth but if people are upset with it let them be. I love how people preach and get offended that people get upset when celebs die, did i know Jimmy who died in Iraq last week...no i didn't. Did i know Heath, no i didn't yet i am aware and have seen his work first hand.
Iraq, makes me laugh, i really don't understand why people always refer to it in this scenario. Depending on your moral and political stance why should anyone care about Iraqi deaths more than celebrities. Sure it's a shame, unnecasary death always is, i think it's out of order for you to assume you know everyone here so well that you can make the assumption that they value Ledger's life higher than others.
Hmm you seem to have read into my statement to much I think as im not critising or preaching. I was mearly trying to point out that from my point of view (I am entitled to one aren't I?) that in the grand stream of things I find it silly to put one persons death above others just because there famous. As XnickX pointed out the media is all about airing intresting stories to attract as many viewers/readers as possible. So of course they are not going to put every death on the news or front pages of papers. I wouldn't expect them to I just don't like how they go about making a big thing about 1 person when there are so many others. So all in all no i'm not bothered but that doesn't mean I don't understand that others may be. So no i'm not having ago an saying you shouldn't be upset or anything of the sort like you seem to think. R.I.P Heath Ledger an i'll end it at that.
Espy said:
I don't think it's been confirmed it was suicide yet - he may have just had one too many... pills.

But it does seem strange that he would arrange for a massage before ODing.
It's not strange really...it's pretty common for people to spend frivolously and behave oddly before killing themselves. Chris Benoit (pro wrestler) had just spent a fortune on a new home when he decided to kill his wife, son and himself.

I know a massage isn't exactly as expensive as a home, but if Ledger wasn't in a sound state of mind, he could have just ordered one anyway...or maybe it's a weekly thing.

I know it hasn't been confirmed as suicide or whatever...just saying. >_>

Shame and all, but I find it hard to feel sad about drug-related deaths. Sorry.
Apparently he has some medical condition that causes him to become insanely depressed, his whole family suffer from it and suicide is a common way for suffers to end it all