Have you ever tried...?


I thought I'd bring up a topic that could be potentially endless... Depending if scientists/artists/random-maniac No.1267 has not found anything new or such to do with their free time...

Basically, the thread is asking "Have you ever tried...?" so the idea is to ask if anyone's done a particular (and unusual) thing that may have happened elsewhere or on your own accord.

I'll start then: I was wondering about the whole mentos/coke theory and have seen many videos of it. Has anyone here ever tried it? Or done anything with this theory, like a cheap rocket pack?
Oh, I did the mentos thing, I can even be noticed in your mouth, if you have a mentos drop and drink some coke.

Have you ever done CPR?
chaos said:
Have you ever done CPR?

Yes but only with a dummy. I had to take a first aid course to be able to go kayaking in organised groups.

Have you ever tried eating a peanut butter and cranberry sandwich, dipped in chicken soup. Otherwise known as making something to eat out of whatever is left in your cupboards so you don't have to go to the shops.
have you tried...


...why do i always have to lower the tone? :x
Well to be fair Skikes, I did have to do something that looked like the "Classic Deluxe Reversed or face to face postition", when I tried sorting out my computer speakers X]

Have you tried... Trepanation? ~_o
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Have you tried... Trepanation? ~_o

Nope but if you supply the head I will supply the power tools. After all I hear trepanning is fun.

As for CPR only on first aid courses and during first aid competitions years ago.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Have you tried... Trepanation? ~_o
You wouldn't get much from drilling a hole in my head... you may be able to get rid of some junk filled in there though, so the operation may be successful anyways. ;)

Have you ever... eaten snails?