Gundam Seed Destiny poser


Brigade Leader
Hi, While not a huge mecha fan I did find Gundam Seed excellent entertainment. I have the 1st as yet unwatched volume of Destiny, but as i'm revising my pre-order titles I'm not sure as to continue with Destiny's 10? 10+ volumes. I've looked around for some info reviews etc and they seem to vastly vary from good to terrible, Is Destiny really that good or bad? And how does it compare to Seed? I'm not sure as to keep on spending a small fortune on the series only to be let down by the end result or use it for something else.

Your thoughts would be apreaciated Thanks DS
not seen destiny yet but i'm put off by the fact that in destiny, the angle swing round puting Kira and co as "The bad guys"

many Seed fans refused to watch it because of that

the musics ment to be good though, so if you can stand them saying everything in seed was a lie then go for it

me personally, anything that makes lacus look evil should be burnt
Personally mate, I don't think Destiny is worth it. I was quite impressed with Gundam Seed, but Destiny was just too much of a 'money' series. It started off pretty good but they lost the plot about halfway through it.

btw. Kira and co aren't actually the bad guys, they maybe labelled so by other factions, but as the audience, you are always in the know.
What Six said. Destiny gets off to a good start, but begins to fall apart after about 15-20 eps when they can't decide on who to follow. What we then get is a horribly unfocused mishmash of plots and underdeveloped characters - it got so bad that it even needed the ending to be remade. There are some good fights though, and some really cool action in there, but I can only recommend it if you really, really liked SEED. And even then, you may be disappointed.
Ryo Chan said:
the angle swing round puting Kira and co as "The bad guys"

many Seed fans refused to watch it because of that
That's not really what happened... in fact, that's what was gearing up to happen and then all of a sudden, it really didn't. The Character's motivations were all over the place and so was the focus of who's story it actually was. The series starts with a heavy focus on Athrun and then Shinn. Then it becomes more equal. What they were seemingly doing was hooking old fans in with the familiar character, and then letting the other take over: but when Athrun's screentime diminished, they weren't confident enough in Shinn to let him take over. So instead, Kira returns and dominates the show, completely undermining what they'd developed in the early series. Then the main villian makes his predictable and nonsensical play and the series hurtles to its conclusion, coughs and dies.

There were definate financial issues there too. The 50 episode series contains 5 entirely redundant clipshows, often bunched close together. One of them is episode 47 for christsakes! Word has it that this was the fault of the Director's wife, who also happened to be the script-writer. She turned in late scripts and caused production to slow to halt. Unfortunatly, she and the rest of the production team weren't replaced after an attack by lil' Slugger. Also, the final episode was redone as a special edition to make it more satisfactory.

Personally, I find Destiny to be the weakest Gundam series I've ever seen. Worse than ZZ Gundam even, and certainly an unworthy sequel to the routinely but unfairly bashed Gundam Seed.