Gunbuster vs. Diebuster licensed for US release


Ghost of Animes
<a href="">According to the Anime News Network</a>, Bandai Visual USA have acquired "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster", a new movie which splices together GAINAX's famous sci-fi drama Gunbuster (directed by Evangelion's Hideki Anno) with it's 2004 sequel, Diebuster (directed by FLCL's Kazuya Tsurumaki).

In the past, several of Bandai Visual USA's anime have made it over to the UK - most recently, the two Patlabor movies, so hopes will be high that "Gunbuster vs. Diebuster" can eventually see a UK release too.
I'm guessing another Sub only release, only due to it being released by Bandai Visual USA, and not Bandai Entertainment, seriously BV USA seems to be going in the opposite Direction, this is putting anime into even more niche places, when it seems it was finally going to get its time in the lime life(The recent boom of Networks airing anime, in Canada, the USA, and parts of Europe).
iirc no dub has ever been recoded for the original series, although I'm not sure about the sequel (which came out on R1 recently). Considering how different the two series are in style it'l be interesting to see how they mesh together. I'm more likely to buy the two of them separately though - the sequel is good but the original is superb.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Diebuster. I hope that's german, otherwise the title might be stupid.
I think it's's the show's alternative title that comes from the mid-episode eyecatch sections.

Upon further investigation, the DVD release is subs-only - not a big deal though.