
Vampire Ninja
Any PS3 owners that have GTA and wanna have a go online with me sometime?

Ive noticed that the online community for this game is totaly naff. Everyone always leaves games and such.
I have the 360 version, but I doubt the online mode will be everyone's cup of tea. It doesn't seem to be the most "online friendly" game to be honest.
Time limit: 45 minutes
Area: Whole city

I wonder why people leave, no sense of urgency and no limitation in where to go it's gonna take some time to go travel across the city to kill one guy.
Tachi- said:
im gettin it so i'll play online (ps3)

See... this is the stuff i want to read. Not complaints about the online gameplay.
Message me when you have it mate, and ill add you to friends if you tell me your name :D
Maxon said:
Taylor said:
See... this is the stuff i want to read. Not complaints about the online gameplay.
Taylor said:
Ive noticed that the online community for this game is totaly naff. Everyone always leaves games and such.
Yeah. :roll:

Yes i was saying stuff about it, but the actual question that i wanted people to reply to was if people on here had it.