Set against the back drop of the continuing tensions between anime directors (and father and son) Hayao and Goro Miyazaki, Goro (the new director) tries to explain why a character from Gedo Senki (Tales from Earthsea) kills his father early in the movie.
"In today’s Japan, the young people are sort of being choked. They don’t see hope in the future, life isn’t that beautiful anymore. They feel being oppressed and that oppression often comes from their own parents. They are taken care of well, but too much in many, many families and they feel pressure and oppression. They’re taken good care, but from the children’s point of view there’s a lot of pressure."
Click here to read Ghibli World's full interview with Goro Miyazaki (and spoiler free review).
"In today’s Japan, the young people are sort of being choked. They don’t see hope in the future, life isn’t that beautiful anymore. They feel being oppressed and that oppression often comes from their own parents. They are taken care of well, but too much in many, many families and they feel pressure and oppression. They’re taken good care, but from the children’s point of view there’s a lot of pressure."
Click here to read Ghibli World's full interview with Goro Miyazaki (and spoiler free review).