

Baka Ranger
This thread I've been wanting to make for about the last 10 or so weeks, and after the latest episode to air in the states (12), I literally cannot wait anymore. It's created by Ryan Murphy, the creator Nip/Tuck and Popular along with Ian Brennan who's seemingly done nothing noteworthy and Brad Falchuck, who also worked on Nip/Tuck. So, you know, the writing is there. And its damn good writing.

It's a satirical musical comedy, that's right, a musical comedy. And its also taken the US by storm (seriously, their CD signing tour had people in their thousands turn out everywhere). For actual good reason. It's witty, dark, has Jane Lynch and Lea Michele all while featuring a nice mix of current/old and broadway tunes.

This is not High School Musical.

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E4, scooped up the rights for it over here and they are airing a exclusive look at the pilot on December 15th then regular airing will begin in January. They did the same thing stateside.
I started watching Glee today and I've watched 7 episodes already. It's absolutely fantastic! It has to be the gayest TV series ever, too. I can't wait for the DVDs to come over here and the OSTs will be amazing. I don't know if it's "satirical", though?
I'd say its very much a satire. All the characters are stereotypes, Kurt possibly being the biggest and so many lines are flippant - literally just put in for the laughs and nothing else. Anyway, it delves into their lives and we are beginning to see there are more to these characters than meets the eye. For example, Puck, we know he's a jock and the writers like to play to that as much as they can but they also like to show a nice human inside... Pretty much everyone is getting stripped down, Quinn (my favourite Gleek) has gotten some pretty awesome development.

I'm trying to restrain myself since your only on episode 7. 13 airs on the states on Wednesday and then there's no more till April.
I've been watching this online. Finished the first season afew days...

Hmmm I really like this show but i can't help picking it apart. It could have been one of the best shows on tv. Its got it all going for it. But its got so much taking away from it.

Its got great adult humour. But then its got such cheesy storylines that try to teach you a lesson. For instance i think the wheelchair episode COMPLETELY missed the mark with its message. I think anyone whos in a wheelchair watching it would have vomited.

The music is great but it never quite looks right. When they burst into song its like ive put my tv on mute with a cd playing the background. Its strange.

Its got great actors... like Jane lynch, who steals every scene she's in but then it has some of the worst! Like the chiniese girl who thinks stuttering means you trip over the first word of every sentence...

I like it but i hope they make big changes with its short comings for the second season
I think a lot of the mis-steps in the writing are intentional. For some reason I can't see people who come from Nip/Tuck, a intelligently written show, just forgetting about storylines (i.e. the approved songlist). A lot of it are just throw-away lines. Pretty much everything Jane Lynch says is throw-away... Another reason is that I think they wanted to cram so much into its first season - the first 13 episodes were filmed before it even started showing its first episode. They didn't know if they were getting any more, hence it seeming like a semi-complete story. They don't even start filming the second part of S1 till January, they are currently in rehearsals and the recording studio.

Also, the auto-tune and producing. Yeah. I pretty much dislike it. I know its like a music-video and its basically the only way to film songs but sometimes its too-auto-tuned so the recording sound whack. I don't think they'll iron out that. It annoys me a bit when they over-produce Lea/Rachel's tracks. She's a belter... So doesn't need it.

I'm also aware I'm very post-y so far in this thread... that probably won't change. I mean, I get obsessed with things but I've never been this obsessed I don't think...!