Ghost in the Shell producer Hisamitsu Ishikawa at Hyper Japan


The Boss
Ghost in the Shell producer and Production I.G. CEO Hisamitsu Ishikawa will be attending Hyper Japan in November.
"Japan is reputed and admired for its prolific and varied creative output. The Japan Media Arts Festival is a celebration of the work of artists and creators from different fields, organised by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, which reflects the impact of these works on the world. HYPER JAPAN is delighted to welcome back the Japan Media Arts Festival to the event this November. This year, HYPER JAPAN will be hosting speakers from the festival on the centre stage, as well as showcasing award-winning and highly recommended works.

The Agency for Cultural Affairs has been organizing the Japan Media Arts Festival annually since 1997 with the aim of promoting the creation and development of media arts. The Japan Media Arts Festival awards prizes for outstanding creative works in the fields of art, entertainment, animation and manga as well as providing opportunities to introduce these works, specifically through the prizes announcements, the Awards Ceremony, and the Exhibition of Award-Winning Works. "

From Hyper Japan website
Re: Ghost in the Shell producer Hisamitsu Ishikawa at Hyper

Annoys the hell out of me that I knew about it as soon as it was confirmed, but I wasn't allowed to talk about it and then, I've been beaten to reporting it. Well, such is life. =P