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Just got back from seeing it.

I've had a few requests to do a review over on Youtube, so I'll see about getting that sorted tomorrow. But, here's the short version:

I found it perfectly enjoyable. Albeit with a few heavy caveats in place. The long-time fanboy in me dislikes the approach that was taken, and there's a twist in the end that is properly 'Hollywood dumb.' Won't say too much, but sadly it's the kind of idiotic miss-step that's going to embolden some of the more intractable idiots raging about the casting. Sorry, but if you've fully read and understood the original manga and still feel impelled to go crying about whitewashing after seeing this movie, you're barking up a forest full of wrong trees. (A note to the PC brigade: pick your battles and don't be a confrontational numpty. You might find that folks are more inclined to listen to your points when they're actually valid and politely couched.)

Other than that, I found a lot to admire. It's a lightweight version of GITS, but we always knew it would be. There are more than a few things jammed into this film that really don't need to be there. But I get why most of them been included. And as much as I don't like the fact that the movie makes The Major feel weak and devotes itself to telling her back story, I'm actually cool with it because it enables the film to have its own identity. It still feels enough like GITS to get by.

No better or worse than your average Hollywood summer movie, I'd say. Which might be an indictment on Hollywood story values. But, whatever - I was entertained, and I'd watch it again. I was also pleased to see a good number of folks in the cinema - a fair number of whom seemed to really enjoy it.
