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The first episode of the anime started off really well, set up the story with above average animation, it was fun to watch. The second episode however just seemed to be a rehash of the first even using similar elements but the animation had started to take a nosedive. Following on from that it all became rather like an average shonen jump series, stretching out fights over several episodes and so on. I'm told the manga is more interesting but for me the anime was nothing special which is a shame because from the set up it had the potential to be a great episodic series like Bebop with an ongoing storyline to hold it together.

It's one of those shows where if you can pick it up cheap then why not.
The slight shonen-ai overtones are probably the best thing about it :3 Generally speaking though, it's ok.As has already been said the manga is in fact a lot better.But the anime isn't bad.May as well check it out.Good characters.I can't really remember the fight scenes though ^^; sorry.
Watched the first few episodes but never returned to it, i got distracted by other series. I think from what i saw it was alright, nothing special at all though. If i wasn't watching anything that was really taking most of my interest i probably would have carried on with it, but there we go. I may return to it eventually, but at the moment i'm in no rush.
Saw the first episode and I actually rather liked it despite the lack of originality. Still I didn't follow it since I had the feeling it might degenerate into predictable shonen antics. :roll: