

Not sure if its new but bought Genshiken last week (found it on ebay for a steal) and loved it, the story is about a group of freshmen at college who belong to a club devoted to the world of anime, manga and games but only in the Otaku sense. With a mixture of humour and violence (provided by the girlfriend who does NOT want her boyfriend involved with them) they have a great collection of mis-adventures. (Also anime DVD, bought it, loved it too)

Quality read, and as its my birthday in August I have convinced my girlfriend to order me the next few mangas so I will hopefully be up-to-date with them in no time :lol:
I've only seen the anime adaptation, but yep- its a great story. Very heart warming and funny.
Paul said:
I've only seen the anime adaptation, but yep- its a great story. Very heart warming and funny.

Especially the way you see the girlfriend being drawn into the group more and more as the series progresses even though she won't admit its happening
I got the first two on a whim, and it's quite a uniquely enjoyable read, seeing how not much actually happens in it! :p
I love the Genshiken manga much more then the anime, it's a great story with a great range of characters.
I think everyone who reads it can see part of themselves in some of the characters =x I know I do ^.^;;
I just got the first volume recently to see what it was like, and I've already ordered the next 4... :shock:

XxNeko-FeixX said:
I think everyone who reads it can see part of themselves in some of the characters =x I know I do ^.^;;

Eheheh... scary, isn't it? >.>
Ramadahl said:
I just got the first volume recently to see what it was like, and I've already ordered the next 4... :shock:

XxNeko-FeixX said:
I think everyone who reads it can see part of themselves in some of the characters =x I know I do ^.^;;

Eheheh... scary, isn't it? >.>

Very scary but true. Also thank god the Manga carries on after the first Genshiken series ends, especially as the 2nd anime series has been axed
Laughing Manji said:
No not strictly true. I believe that Genshiken series 2 is still on the cards, in addition to the Kujiban TV series.

THough its confusing as hell.

Well I hope it still is on the cards but at least i still have the manga to keep me going
The manga has ended in Japan I believe (chapter 50?). I thought that the Kujiban TV series replaced genshiken too, but they have kind of stated that genshiken 2 is still on the cards. Confusing as hell though.
i have been interested in Genshiken for a veeeery long time. and as seeing how most of the peeps here, love it, i decided to head over to youtube to check it out (i rarely do this btw)
and after watching the first ep, i really liked it and watched up to ep 3!
i think i may aswell buy the boxset and save the goodness for the original dvd's and good quality viewing. also i am very keen on ordering the manga's very soon.
Ninja Boy! said:
i have been interested in Genshiken for a veeeery long time. and as seeing how most of the peeps here, love it, i decided to head over to youtube to check it out (i rarely do this btw)
and after watching the first ep, i really liked it and watched up to ep 3!
i think i may aswell buy the boxset and save the goodness for the original dvd's and good quality viewing. also i am very keen on ordering the manga's very soon.

Mangas are worth it as they continue on where the series finishes and believe me its the kind of anime where you wanna see what they get up to next
I first saw the Series, then got the manga hoping it would continue the story and it does :D

Just finished reading volume 6 cant wait to get 7
Great read