Geneon planned to release... Pinmen?


Death Scythe
So I was looking around the "Geneon Spot", and I found the release schedule, and among the many other now cancelled things (the poor poor Shana OVA + artbox + figure :( , it also listed the Second Barrage as having a steel case as the extra (which I haven't seen announced anywhere)), it listed "Pinmen Vol. 1" for December 4th.

So I googled, animenewsnetworked, anidb'd, and everything else'd Pinmen, and only google listed it. It seems to be the most random thing; all I can make out is that it's about bowling pins, there's no other information anywhere else..

Very odd indeed.
Well I found this...
In a galaxy far from the earth, there is a planet with an advanced civilization of innocent good natured aliens called PiNMeN. They have the technology to travel thousands of light-years, yet the economy of the society has stagnated and the aliens are very poor.
The aliens find out about Earth which they see as filled with amusement and luxury and believe if they go there, they could be rich as well! So, they come to Earth to get jobs. However, The PiNMeN are too Naive to deal with the people on the earth who are self-centered and tricky... The dedicated and determined PiNMeN now go through the series of harsh jobs! Can they survive on the earth and become rich aliens?