hey guys
While the Fuyu site is being heavily updated i shall share my knowledge...
confirmed events are:
Masquerade, Omake, Bring and Buy, panel quiz, a cosplay panel with Wayward Destiny Productions http://waywarddestiny.deviantart.com/ , Hentai panel and many more still to be announced
It's at the Park Inn Hotel in Northampton ( where Kitacon '09 was ) on 23rd-25th October
registration is £45
so hope to see you guys there!
While the Fuyu site is being heavily updated i shall share my knowledge...
confirmed events are:
Masquerade, Omake, Bring and Buy, panel quiz, a cosplay panel with Wayward Destiny Productions http://waywarddestiny.deviantart.com/ , Hentai panel and many more still to be announced
It's at the Park Inn Hotel in Northampton ( where Kitacon '09 was ) on 23rd-25th October
registration is £45
so hope to see you guys there!