Future Boy Conan


For those who haven't seen it you need to watch it now.

It puts to shame all of Miyazaki's films

EDIT: No links to fansubs.
It's been a while since I've watched any eps of that show but it's certainly impressive for its time. Quite a few ideas used in Conan crop up in his later movies but overall it's a great retro adventure.

I'd like to see it licenced but that prospect is pretty unlikely.
Yeah it was a great show. Basically an 11 hour long movie broken up into 26 episodes. As continuity goes it doesn't get more gripping than this.

You are right about the ideas being re-used. Conan & Lana are basically prototypes for Pazu & Sheeta. The environmental theme is reused in Nausicaa (though the catastrophe has progressed far further - in Future Boy Conan it seems that the world can be saved, in Nausicaa it seems that there is no chance to reverse the condition), Monsley gets recycled as Princess Kushana in Nausicaa (more so in the manga, where it is clearer that she is quite a noble character. In the anime she is villain-ised to make the story work).
Laughing Manji said:
Yeah it was a great show. Basically an 11 hour long movie broken up into 26 episodes. As continuity goes it doesn't get more gripping than this.

You are right about the ideas being re-used. Conan & Lana are basically prototypes for Pazu & Sheeta. The environmental theme is reused in Nausicaa (though the catastrophe has progressed far further - in Future Boy Conan it seems that the world can be saved, in Nausicaa it seems that there is no chance to reverse the condition), Monsley gets recycled as Princess Kushana in Nausicaa (more so in the manga, where it is clearer that she is quite a noble character. In the anime she is villain-ised to make the story work).

Future boy Conan is a great Anime, but personally i think it does drag in the middle, and some of the characters are more akin to saturday morning cartoon vilains than Miyazaki's usual fare (the one i most dispised is the bloke on Lana's island). However when it is good, it is absolutely superb. The first 2, and the last 6 episodes are unfaultable to me, and many of the others inbetween are also up there, i just think occasionally it sagged a bit. All the same, a very very good series though, that occasionally seems to wander a little.