FUNimation License Eva 2.0, Summer Wars + Others

Project-2501 said:
About time!! Huzzah!
I wonder if FUNimation are going to release 2.0 first, and then 2.22 like they did with Eva 1.0/1.11. If so, I hope Manga UK wait for 2.22 like they did with 2.0, and just release 2.0 as a HMV exclusive bonus disk.
There was no home release before 2.22 in Japan, so I doubt Funi will do that this time.

edit: oh snap, they licensed Ookami-san, too.
"Update: Funimation confirmed with ANN that it licensed the updated 2.22 version of the Evangelion film — the only version that was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in Japan."
Well, we all knew Eva 2.2 and Summer Wars were going to happen, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

I'm just hoping it doesn't take Funi a year to put them out...
fabricatedlunatic said:
Well, we all knew Eva 2.2 and Summer Wars were going to happen, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

I'm just hoping it doesn't take Funi a year to put them out...
Heh, I don't think you read the announcement then.

"Funimation also has a theatrical release planned for Summer Wars this year, followed by DVD and Blu-ray releases next year"

OK, they might mean January next year, I guess.
Does the Western anime industry have similar timings to the Western video game industry? I can never remember, but I would expect middle-end of March or start of April under normal circumstances, depending on if they want the bump in Q1 or Q2. edit: and wow, I keep on forgetting that it's nearly August now. Christ.
ilmaestro said:
"Update: Funimation confirmed with ANN that it licensed the updated 2.22 version of the Evangelion film — the only version that was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in Japan."
Hopefully that means FUNi can skip 2.0 and go straight to 2.22, like Manga UK did with 1.11
Ryu Shoji said:
ilmaestro said:
"Update: Funimation confirmed with ANN that it licensed the updated 2.22 version of the Evangelion film — the only version that was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in Japan."
Hopefully that means FUNi can skip 2.0 and go straight to 2.22, like Manga UK did with 1.11

But Manga UK put both versions of the first movie on the UK DVD release...would they do the same with the second movie?
There is no home release of 2.0 (or 2.02, if you like) for them to use at all! This isn't at all like the release of the first movie where it was staggered in Japan with separate DVD and BD releases.
I thought Shukufuku no Campanella would be the show no-one watched this season, seems an odd pick-up (except for the fact that we seem to be back to the "everything gets licensed" phase which didn't work before).
Invisible Crane said:
Ryu Shoji said:
ilmaestro said:
"Update: Funimation confirmed with ANN that it licensed the updated 2.22 version of the Evangelion film — the only version that was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in Japan."
Hopefully that means FUNi can skip 2.0 and go straight to 2.22, like Manga UK did with 1.11

But Manga UK put both versions of the first movie on the UK DVD release...would they do the same with the second movie?
1.0 was only available in a two disc special edition sold at HMV, which contained both. Elsewhere, it was just 1.11.