French presidential candidate on "violent" anime


Ghost of Animes
Segolene Royal, a French socialist government official in the running for the upcoming presidential election, is causing concern in Japan due to her views on two of the country's major exports; anime and manga, which she has described as "violent and pornographic". Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Aso has simply suggested that "she should read a little bit more".

France and Japan have traditionally enjoyed an easy going and friendly relationship, often trading in pop culture; a fine example being how the world-renowned French band Daft Punk collaborated with legendary manga-ka Leiji Matsumoto to produce 2003's "Interstella 5555" theatrical anime movie (and accompanying music videos).
This coming from the country who's best effort at an anime was Code Lyoko and favorite words being "we surrender" i don't think anyone really cares about France anymore lol
Ryo Chan said:
This coming from the country who's best effort at an anime was Oban: Star Racers and favorite words being "we surrender" i don't think anyone really cares about France anymore lol
fixed for you.
Ryo Chan said:
This coming from the country who's best effort at an anime was Code Lyoko and favorite words being "we surrender" i don't think anyone really cares about France anymore lol

Oban Star Racers and Mysterious Cities of Gold would argue your first point!
Ryo Chan said:
This coming from the country who's best effort at an anime was Code Lyoko and favorite words being "we surrender" i don't think anyone really cares about France anymore lol

1) A British MP said a similar thing a few months ago.

2) Compared to American cartoons Code Lyoko isn't that bad

3) What's Britain's best effort at anime been?

4) I really don't know where British people get off with this attitude that the French are weak militarily.Britain has been conquered by the French but the opposite has never happened.
Ark said:
Ryo Chan said:
This coming from the country who's best effort at an anime was Code Lyoko and favorite words being "we surrender" i don't think anyone really cares about France anymore lol

1) A British MP said a similar thing a few months ago.

2) Compared to American cartoons Code Lyoko isn't that bad

3) What's Britain's best effort at anime been?

4) I really don't know where British people get off with this attitude that the French are weak militarily.Britain has been conquered by the French but the opposite has never happened.

think you'll find britian controlled a vast ammount of France at one time during the Medievil times

and code lyoko not bad?

i've seen better lipsync from amature AMV makers
So Royal's decided to offend the Japanese now has she? She's said quite a few stupid things during the current french presidental campaign and managed to upset quite a few people, including her own party (incidentally the french socialist party is led by her own husband). Nonetheless, her comments are hardly surprising, she made her name campaigning on social issues, including opposing violence on TV.
Ryo Chan said:
technically wasn't Oban and Cities of gold a Japan/France cowork

Yes they were. Not that it matters, France has a long tradition of animation and comics, and by and large french animation is better than american animation. Same with the comics.

Ark said:
Britain has been conquered by the French but the opposite has never happened.

Secondly, I agree that this all anti-french sentiment is getting old. Yes, Britain has traditionally been militarily stronger than France, but then we have the advantage of living on an island, which makes defence a lot easier. Incidentally, I'm not really sure 1066 counts as France conquering England. We were conquered by the Normans, who were basically Vikings, with help from their neighbours, all of whom were French in name only. At no point was England part of France, although for much of the middle ages the King of England was also the Duke of several regions of France, for most of the period they also believed they ought to be King of France too.
Noratav said:
Incidentally, I'm not really sure 1066 counts as France conquering England. We were conquered by the Normans, who were basically Vikings, with help from their neighbours, all of whom were French in name only.

So a province of France conquered England. Great.
Well there is always the old saying "why are the roads so wide in Paris? So it's easier for the Germans to march through" :D

but enough of the french bashing, i actually wanted her to win before all this :(
I find it odd that, with France having such an enviable history with film and animation in particular, a prominent figure still has such ill-infomed and reactionist opinions. Sure, I'd expect something from a Daily Mail-reading Mary Whitehouse follower in the UK but France? She really does need to read more!

As an aside, The Mysterious Cities of Gold ruled. :D
Martin said:
I find it odd that, with France having such an enviable history with film and animation in particular, a prominent figure still has such ill-infomed and reactionist opinions. Sure, I'd expect something from a Daily Mail-reading Mary Whitehouse follower in the UK but France? She really does need to read more!

As an aside, The Mysterious Cities of Gold ruled. :D

bit funny though that despite it being a japanese/french production and being a hit, you can only really find it in spanish nowerdays though
Ryo Chan said:
Well there is always the old saying "why are the roads so wide in Paris? So it's easier for the Germans to march through" :D

The German's are certainly better fighters than the French historically but they're probably also better fighters than the British it's just that Britain has water defences. I don't know what that has to do with surrendering though. Her comments were stupid and xenophobic but no more than all the British politicians/journalists who say similar things.
Martin said:
I find it odd that, with France having such an enviable history with film and animation in particular, a prominent figure still has such ill-infomed and reactionist opinions. Sure, I'd expect something from a Daily Mail-reading Mary Whitehouse follower in the UK but France? She really does need to read more!
I think her point is kind of like the recent dig from that British politician, to invoke more homegrown talent rather than import stuff from overseas. As far as British animation goes we have Wallace and Grommit, Dangermouse and Count Duckula, which are all topnotch cartoons in my opinion. Sure there is a lot of crap as well but they are amongst the best there ever was.
Ark said:
Noratav said:
Incidentally, I'm not really sure 1066 counts as France conquering England. We were conquered by the Normans, who were basically Vikings, with help from their neighbours, all of whom were French in name only.

So a province of France conquered England. Great.

It was an alliance of four provinces actually, led by the Normans, none of whom payed the slightest bit of attention to what the King of France wanted. In the middle ages the King of France only controlled the area around Paris (the Ille de France) You're also right about the Germans, we merely have the better navy and until the 20th Century the Germans (or more precisely the Prussians) were traditionally our allies.

As for the actual topic of the thread. Her comments are probably more based out of ignorance of what anime and Manga are like. Whilst nationalism is partly to blame, she is well known for disliking TV, and violence on TV in particular as a general principle. Aside from her campaigns for Gay and Women's rights, her social values are very traditionalist and very authoritarian. In many ways she is the French equivalent of a "Daily Mail-reading Mary Whitehouse follower" that's one of many reasons why her own party hates her so much.