Kyoto Animation's sports anime <em>Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club</em> gained a large following when it aired between July and September last year, with its final episode ending with a "see you next summer" message which already cemented the likelihood of a continuition of the series, but a poster at the special <em>Free! </em>talk event in Japan today outright confirmed it - a second season has in fact been green-lit.
No details about the second season have been announced yet, but there will no doubt be many fans will be looking forward to returning to the Iwatobi Swim Club!
The original series was simulcast on Crunchyroll as it aired.
No details about the second season have been announced yet, but there will no doubt be many fans will be looking forward to returning to the Iwatobi Swim Club!
The original series was simulcast on Crunchyroll as it aired.