Free film showings


Anyone intersted in coming to some free Anime screenings?

Going to be taking place in London. There is one on 22nd Oct 2009. That will be Astroboy: Mighty Microbe Army and Fantastic Voyage. There is also an Anime talk that evening too. Then there is another one on 19th Nov 2009, which is U-18 Knew.

Good films. Also free entry to an exhibition on robots at the same place.
Sounds interesting. Where will it be taking place?

Last week, I've got the email to watch a few minutes from Avatar, but the tickets were gone before I could grab one.

Its on at Hunterian Museum in London. Both the events are in the evenings.
The tickets are free. But you have to call to reserve tickets. The number is 020 7869 6560.
chaos said:
is there a website for it? this hunterian museum seems to be in scotland according to google... =P
Details here. The museum is by Lincoln's Inn Fields, an area I know very well. 'Tis opular with dog-walkers, and close to where the lawyers working at the Royal Courts of Justice go to drink. (Their pub has an animal skull wearing a Barrister's wig on the windowsill. Make of that what one will.)
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
is there a website for it? this hunterian museum seems to be in scotland according to google... =P
Details here. The museum is by Lincoln's Inn Fields, an area I know very well. 'Tis opular with dog-walkers, and close to where the lawyers working at the Royal Courts of Justice go to drink. (Their pub has an animal skull wearing a Barrister's wig on the windowsill. Make of that what one will.)
An injunction perhaps? :lol: