FMA movie gets a 12A rating.


Great Teacher
Quite suprised at that I thought it would get a 15, having watched it it's the most violent 12A movie I've seen.

BBFC website.
What supprised me even more is that it has standing on the Cineworld website. was on the site, now it's Robotech Shadowed Cronicles...Huh.
But on many anime releases you can get away with quite a lot with a 12 rating.

By the way, is this a theatrical release; because DVD's don't get rated 12A, only 12's
Yes, it's a theatrical rating. Interesting.

A general release is unlikely, but it would be good to see it shown for a weekend or something.

Though it could just be for the London showing at that expo.
Espy said:
Yes, it's a theatrical rating. Interesting.

A general release is unlikely, but it would be good to see it shown for a weekend or something.

Though it could just be for the London showing at that expo.

That was only a 30 minute screening followed by a Q & A
It's not so much Vic that annoys me (though he does) it's more the kid that plays Al. He just can't act.
He should take a tip from that girl that did the voice of Anita in R.O.D the TV. If memory serves when she did that role she was around the same age as that Aaron guy and in my opinion really stole the show.
Jayme said:
But on many anime releases you can get away with quite a lot with a 12 rating.

Yeah, look at the Cowboy Bebop movie, thats got loads of violence (including that bit with fingers into the rib cage, youch :shock: !) and that got away with a 12 so I'm never too surprised about the wierd ratings anime gets.
Well If you look at the ratting system through out the sereies it was getting anything from PG to 15

Cowboy bebop had a consistant rating of 15 I think apart from the Movie, which to my knowledge had more Violence, More Swearing and a scene with faye taking a shower and that got a 12 rating

SO if you want to to guess what rating anime gets put a dart board up with the age rating skattered around it, close your eyes & Throw a Dart it seems to be what they are doin
The first three volumes of CB were rated 12, the last three were rated 15.

I wouldn't worry about the rating. You can fit a lot more violence into an animated 12 than you can with a live-action 12. Anyway, I think to suggest that it was cut is a bit stupid, Revelation know better.
Conan-san said:
What supprised me even more is that it has standing on the Cineworld website. was on the site, now it's Robotech Shadowed Cronicles...Huh.

Just thought I'll clear this up. On the saturday at cineworld, near the expo, FMA Movie was showing and then on the sunday Robotech was showing.
I'm forgetting to say see this brilliant film, I don't care about the dub it's just a excellent series amazing from start to end.
I wonder what's the movie about and if it's only 30min then it's more like an OVA.... Is this a teaser for a next season of FMA after second raid...????
I think you're getting it mixed up with Full Metal Panic. FMA stands for Full Metal Alchemist. This is the concluding movie.