"First Squad" Anime Film to be released in the uk?


Stand User
The anime movie First Squad produced by Studio 4°C was recently announced for USA release DVD by Manga USA. When asked on twitter if Manga UK are going to release it for the UK market they said they weren't but believe you should except announcement from one of the competitors soon.

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Oh yeah! Katana whelding Soviet caucasian girl, slice and dicing rampaging zombie nazies during WW2. This I got to see. Got to love nazi zombies, but will they blend? :lol:
Oh it is that. It's horibly pretentious. (saw a preview copy)
Sort of like C&C Red Alert. Using ESPers and time travel-type and necromancy shite in WWII.
Looks prety tho'.
I've also heard it's not that great, but I still wouldn't mind seeing it if it gets a cinema release. It looks like the sort of thing that would probably be more enjoyable on the big screen.