I was reading a feature in my bible, the Edge magazine, where they were discussing how the most important part of a videogame is the start. When you first pick up a game or play at your friend's house, those first five or ten minutes will usually make you decide if you'd like to continue playing or not. Many games employ various ways of ensuring your first few minutes will have you hooked.
Let us take God of War for example, within the first minute of the game you're thrown into a boss battle without having fought any enemies yet. Instantly you're drawn into the intensity of the moment, and thus your first impressions of God of War usually involve the words brutal and hectic. Yet another example is the Metroid games, where Samus starts with all her items at the beginning of the game, but shortly after she loses them all and throughout the adventure you'll be collecting them back one by one. These are all interesting tactics used to keep you interested for those first few minutes, and to ensure your first impression is a good one. So enough with my ********, here's the question: Which game's first few minutes impressed you to the point where you just knew it was going to rock your socks? Also, explain why it impressed you, because some people do care believe it or not.
Final Fantasy VII
You see a flower girl in a crowded street, the camera pulls back and you're staring at the huge steam punk city of Midgar, yet before you know it the camera is now looking at a fast-moving train, the music's grand theme sneaks into something more mischievously and you find Avalanche launching an assault on one of those big reactors you were staring at a few seconds ago. As soon as I saw that, coupled with how Cloud just kicked the security's ass, I knew that we were going to blow some **** up, and it was going to be a big bang.
Let us take God of War for example, within the first minute of the game you're thrown into a boss battle without having fought any enemies yet. Instantly you're drawn into the intensity of the moment, and thus your first impressions of God of War usually involve the words brutal and hectic. Yet another example is the Metroid games, where Samus starts with all her items at the beginning of the game, but shortly after she loses them all and throughout the adventure you'll be collecting them back one by one. These are all interesting tactics used to keep you interested for those first few minutes, and to ensure your first impression is a good one. So enough with my ********, here's the question: Which game's first few minutes impressed you to the point where you just knew it was going to rock your socks? Also, explain why it impressed you, because some people do care believe it or not.
Final Fantasy VII
You see a flower girl in a crowded street, the camera pulls back and you're staring at the huge steam punk city of Midgar, yet before you know it the camera is now looking at a fast-moving train, the music's grand theme sneaks into something more mischievously and you find Avalanche launching an assault on one of those big reactors you were staring at a few seconds ago. As soon as I saw that, coupled with how Cloud just kicked the security's ass, I knew that we were going to blow some **** up, and it was going to be a big bang.