

The Boss
The current Firefox screwed many ajax users, now its going to mess around with java =( they disappoint me.

"Dear Java For Business Customer,

In November, 2009, the Mozilla Foundation will be releasing version 3.6
of their popular internet browser, Firefox. This version of Firefox will not
have support for the old Java browser plug-in used by machines running
Java version 6 update 9 or older. To see what version of Java you are
running, please click here. Users running Java applications in the
browser on these machines will see a Firefox pop-up dialogue ("Plug-in
Finder") that will prompt the user to update their version of Java. If
the user accepts, the newest version of Java, currently Java version 6
update 16, will automatically be installed onto their system.

If the user doesn't want to upgrade their Java to version 6 update 10
or newer, then in order to keep using Java applications in the browser,
they should not upgrade their Firefox browser to version 3.6.

Firefox release date is subject to change without notice at Mozilla's discretion.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Java SE For Business Program
Sun Microsystems, Inc. "
So then for me to continue to use chat i have to stick with IE8...great, sooner i can find out the reason that my laptop won't let chrome use chat the better.
Mutsumi said:
So if I update Firefox I lose the forum chat? I best remember that.
Some people reported issues with using firefox on the chat. I've noticed a few people complaining about firefox ajax support on mozilla forums. don't know when they'll fix this, but I beleive they want to fix this with the next release.

The issue with the newest release to come is with java, which powers many websites around.

BlackWolf said:
So then for me to continue to use chat i have to stick with IE8...great, sooner i can find out the reason that my laptop won't let chrome use chat the better.
I need to do some debugging on the forums logs to see if there is any fine tuning that I could do on my side of things to make it works better.
I used to be the biggest Firefox fan, but, I think it was when 3 first strolled along I hated it. Such a big clunky piece of clunkiness. Takes half a year to load then is just messy at displaying things. I hated it more than Internet Explorer. In fact, I do hate it more than IE.

In other words, Go Firefox! Continue on your pathway of making your software terrible!
I love Firefox for it's extensions. I haven't noticed it loading any slower, especially since Otaku-san showed me that little trick to speed up loading times considerably.

And uh, what's the problem with upgrading to the newest version of Java? Is it shite or something? :?
I used to be a Fox Patriot back a few years ago. Same issues as Jayme. After a windows re-install and a version of Explorer 7 install, I haven't looked back since.
Voddas said:
I used to be a Fox Patriot back a few years ago. Same issues as Jayme. After a windows re-install and a version of Explorer 7 install, I haven't looked back since.
I have a hate for MS in general. Things simply doesn't work as you expect them to.

Today I received a communication from a vendor which said:
"CompazyZ releases fully optimized ProductZ platform on schedule"
This was on the top of the email, as if delivering things on schedule adds any merit for them.

These just confirms to me how MS helped push our standards down when it comes to software :(
Jayme said:
I used to be the biggest Firefox fan, but, I think it was when 3 first strolled along I hated it. Such a big clunky piece of clunkiness. Takes half a year to load then is just messy at displaying things. I hated it more than Internet Explorer. In fact, I do hate it more than IE.

In other words, Go Firefox! Continue on your pathway of making your software terrible!
You must have an ancient PC or or really bad connection. I'm in university halls and rarely experience problems.
chaos said:
These just confirms to me how MS helped push our standards down when it comes to software :(
Did you happen to miss the fact that they release unfinished OSs? :p
Firefox is more slow if you don't use it regularly, and the fact it bugs me with updates consistently. It's not the computer(s) I've used it on, I've just moved onto the bigger and better Google Chrome. If you like customisation, go to Firefox; if you want a good browser, I've seen nothing lighter and prettier than Chrome.

Enough with Mozilla slamming anyway. If it works for you, enjoy it. Gods knowing, I used to.
Roughly a year ago I decided to change to a different browser. As such, this issue can only affect me by reducing the number of people with whom I'll be able to chat, unless they're all willing to shun the upgrade.
Jayme said:
It's not the computer(s) I've used it on, I've just moved onto the bigger and better Google Chrome. If you like customisation, go to Firefox; if you want a good browser, I've seen nothing lighter and prettier than Chrome.
Prettier maybe, but I think Opera (and the new turbo mode) would like a word with you on the 'light' part there :wink:
Voddas said:
I used to be a Fox Patriot back a few years ago. Same issues as Jayme. After a windows re-install and a version of Explorer 7 install, I haven't looked back since.
I wouldn't recommend looking forwards either. I nearly threw a brick at the monitor when I tried out IE8. Lack of web standards support, removal of a large amount of the GUI, and a marketing campaign that would make jesus cry are not the way forward microsoft. Installing Nanami Mizuki on every system is.
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I've actually always found Opera a decent browser, and although I've never fallen for their Empire-like traps, a computer isn't a computer without having Opera installed. It's rather good for emergencies.

I respect Opera users. :p