Final Fantasy VII: Voices of a Lifestream


Just going to paste this from my blog as it's 4AM...

Nemphtis said:
You may be wondering right about know what the hell is Final Fantasy VII: Voices of a Lifestream, and is it another awful sequel that will attempt to taint Final Fantasy's reputation. Rest assured, it is in fact a 45 track musical tribute to the game, featuring the work of 42 different artists and covering pretty much every damn music genre out there (I guess).

The tribute is split into four discs - Crisis, Dirge, Advent and Order. You can download the tracks on the album's website or download the whole thing as a torrent which is about 2GB in size. I think this is a must for anyone who considers themselves a fan of Final Fantasy, because the damn thing is FREE so you have no excuse not to download it, right? So stop reading my ****** blog and hit this bitch with your epic bandwidth!

Doberman Pharaoh said:
Because it's made by a group from OCRemix.

Also I've listened to the first 10 or so tracks, and so far it's amazing. I love the OCRemix stuff.
Ok you saying this has convinced me to try it out. :D
For the clueless, it's like the Final Fantasy VII OST, only completely remixed, and done extremely well. Guitars, electronic, ambience, piano, etc etc is all there. If you liked the FFVII soundtrack and are a music fan then it's a must have. Also for the torrent, it's 2.6GB or so, but 2GB of that is the album in WAV form, whilst the other 600MB is the album in MP3 form. So just deselect all the wav files and it'll be done in no time.
Downloaded the FF7 Albulm. Just to say, its really awesome. The music in FF7 have been brought to the modern age.

If a Remake did happen, the Ocremix would really suit it.
Thanks a lot for this, this music is abosolutely astounding. I've been looking for some music that will entrance me for a good long time, and I think I've got it now : ). I'm only on the first song and I already feel refreshed.