Film4 Asian cinema week


School Idol
Has anyone else been watching the Asian cinema films on film4 this week? I've seen many that I haven't seen before but have been planning to including death note (both non animé film versions) tonight and kamikaze girls last night, all of which I thought were awesome. Even my brothers who don't usually watch this sort of thing both thought these films were great.
I don't have TV so I haven't been able to get involved; glad to hear you are enjoying them. I have both of those listed on DVD and also really loved Kamikaze Girls. It's the kind of film I'd like to show to more of my friends but can never tell if they will love its quirkiness too or just hate it.

Damn, I forgot about this. Thanks very much for jogging my memory, I'll be watching I'm a Cyborg tonight, Memories of Matsuko on Monday and the second showing of Kamikaze Girls on Tuesday.

As I said on the schedule thread, I have watched and enjoyed all of the other films being shown apart from live action Death Note, which I thought was just a massive let-down.