Favourite Anime Debate Thread


Completely Average High School Student
i cant find a thread like this, even after a whole 2 minutes of looking!!!! i just want random people to say what their favourite anime is, give a few reasons, and then if someone disagrees they say something along the lines of "that ones generic because the storyline involves ninjas who fight because they want "to be the best" and although the fight scenes are good and the comedy funny, one fight takes place over 5 episodes and the god-awful fillers make the comedy over-used and rubbish" take 3 guesses of what anime i was talking about.
anyway im gonna start with cowboy bebop because the stand-alone episodes are brilliant, it may have style over substance but it has more substance than alot of anime, also the plot episodes especially "the real folk blues" part one and 2 are possibly my favourite episodes of anything ever. and i cannot believe i almost forgot, the amazing soundtrack.
any way on with the debate 3..2..1.. lets jam!!!
thanks! im usually pretty rubbish at searches i kinda went the hard way and sort of went on "general anime discussion" and looked that way....
Ah, right. Well, the search function isn't great anyway, but sometimes it does work. ^_^ If you paste your arguments "for" Cowboy Bebop in that thread, I'm sure someone will respond, although perhaps everyone likes the show, too!
That sounds a little vague/generalised to me. I'd be more willing to participate if you made a thread that had more focus. I mean, this thread is what this sub-forum is for.
Maxon said:
That sounds a little vague/generalised to me. I'd be more willing to participate if you made a thread that had more focus. I mean, this thread is what this sub-forum is for.
well i suppose that other thread can be used as a different one for general and this one made of anime that top peoples list i mean just for favourites, which is why i put on bebop as its my favourite