Eye Trouble


Need you guys, who obviously all watch plenty of anime and read plenty of subtitles, have ever seen an eye issue I've had for at least 3 months now...

The problem is that I'm seeing 'light' pull away from bright objects (think subtitles on a dark background) and, in the case of subtitles in particular, I'm seeing what I can only describe as a faint light replication of the bright object appear. This is not an issue when everything is bright (ON SCREEN) or if I move VERY close (as in, face up screen) to whatever I'm watching.

I first noticed this issue when watching an episode of Claymore. I can only assume it to have started around then since I've watched subbed anime for years, never complaining previously. I had got new lenses in my glasses and a replacement monitor (this doesn't just happen on the monitor) around that time, but I couldn't see how it could be the glasses when the issue seems to be somehow connected to light...and I didn't have another £80 to spend on new glasses. :cry:

I do have an appointment I've been waiting on for 2 months at the Newcross eye department, spending £25 while waiting to be told (a my glasses are slightly too strong and b) my pupils are big. I can't see the tests at Newcross giving me a solution when the £25 eye test results showed my eyes to be fine.

It's very troubling. I might have to stop watching subbed anime if I find no solution...
Flashing lights can also be a factor, if there is a lot of fight sequences were it jumps from Very dark scenes to Bright lights flickering then that too could cause this issue.

I know that my brother has had issues looking at continuous fight sequences that do this it makes his head hurt or something, though he does have a mild form of epilpse
Watching anime or infact anything on tv, you should always be a few metres away from the tv and watch in a well lit room.

Doing that's helped my eyes a lot seeing as I'm horribly short sighted and wear contact lenses. You've got to take a break too every so often so you don't strain your eyes.
I've had the light on for the past 8 months at night in my room (that's what I think has caused a different flickering issue my eyes have); it's the only way to counter the backlight bleed of my monitor. And, anyway, watching with the light on does nothing since the white text is still on a dark background and the screen.

I lie on my bed when watching TV and sit back in my chair when watching stuff on my monitor. The only time I'm ever too close is when typing on my computer since I lean forward and tend to forget about the distance.
I could be totally wrong, but are you sure its on the on screen letters burnt into the monitor? Theres nothing wrong with your eyes (at least I think) when you are looking at a bright object and then suddenly its dark and you can see fient objects where the light was before. Happens with Tvs and stuff all the time.

But then again, It could be your eyes :p only thing I could say if test it on paint or something, but then that could really screw you eye balls up :S
How can I explain this...

Ok, imagine you have semi-bright subtitles on a random DVD. My eyes see light 'pulling' all around the text on dark scenes, the ghost image forming above the subtitles. This happens on various TVs/monitors and even when just out about...like, for example, if I look at bright light shining a metal object.

I've noticed that squinting makes the ghost image clear. I've also noticed (or rather remembered) that the issue has been seen in the past when my eyes are watery...no idea how watery eyes connect to this.

I'm going to have "fun' trying to explain this when I go to see an eye specialist on the 27th. It's going to be made more complicated by the fact I have another problem, one that could be quite serious - A flickering (think film grain like) issue that's makes my vision in the dark extremely poor and causes reading text that's on white paper difficult due to a red tint the flickering has.

I need new eyes. :(
I heard that laser eye treatment can solve like.. everything? Maybe that's worth a shot.

And, also, try to wash out your eyes - I've got a feeling that might help somewhat.
You can't have laser eye surgery until your 21, can you?

First of all, I need to know what my problems are caused by before anything else. I'm hoping the eye specialist at Newcross gives me an answer.
That could be a cause for concern then.

Also, I saw a picture of someone having it done, and it looks like you have to have your eyes lids pulled all the way back with metal clip things.
Like that guy in "A Clockwork Orange" did.
Aion said:
How can I explain this...

Ok, imagine you have semi-bright subtitles on a random DVD. My eyes see light 'pulling' all around the text on dark scenes, the ghost image forming above the subtitles. This happens on various TVs/monitors and even when just out about...like, for example, if I look at bright light shining a metal object.

I've noticed that squinting makes the ghost image clear. I've also noticed (or rather remembered) that the issue has been seen in the past when my eyes are watery...no idea how watery eyes connect to this.

I'm going to have "fun' trying to explain this when I go to see an eye specialist on the 27th. It's going to be made more complicated by the fact I have another problem, one that could be quite serious - A flickering (think film grain like) issue that's makes my vision in the dark extremely poor and causes reading text that's on white paper difficult due to a red tint the flickering has.

I need new eyes. :(

I experience the same thing you described in your first paragraph, but not the other stuff.

As for the distance issue already mentioned; if you can touch your monitor with your palm dead-flat on the surface, then you're too close.
I know the flickering thing isn't normal, it's just a case of finding out what's causing that and finding a way to explain it... It's like film grain, crossed with the type of bright colour you get in the replication you see after looking at an unshielded light bulb. Very troublesome, makes it difficult to read text on most things, even this forum at times. I know it would be too dangerous to drive (once I can) at night with my eyes like they are...

Not sure if I should mention the ghost image thing now someone has said they see the same thing - It would make the eye specialist doubt I have a problem with the flickering if I also mention a lesser problem I have that's normal.
Doctor could find nothing wrong with my eyes. H brightest lighte put some eye drops in and shined the brioyes.test light ever inti

I had a right game getting back - I could only look down at the ground since everything seemed overly bright, with my redish tiny on white increasing tenfold, everything having a red outline. Lucky my mother was with me, wouldn't have been able to get far without being able to look up. :/
I think Taylor has a point. When one watches something very keenly one tends to "stare" at the screen. It tires the eyes and constricts the muscles around the eyes. Remember top keep eyes relaxed and blink regularly, have breaks in between and do eye relaxing exercises, for instance make your palms into cups and cover your eyes with them to form a sort of black-out. Rest. There's lots of gentle exercises, check the net.

I have refractive error in my vision, but if my left eye wouldn't be as "dominant" as it is I'd be suffering from double vision all the time, that has only rarely happened if I've been extremely tired. You can test which eye is dominant by holding your hands at arms length straight out, making a circle with your hands, looking at an object in the distance through the hole. Close one eye, open, then close the other. Check out if there's a difference, the eye that keeps the object in view is the dominant eye. My right eye vision is way to the left and down when I do that, it's weird I'm not cock-eyed, it's just the lense that wonky.
After reading Trigunettes post i checked to see if any of my eyes were clearer than the other and noticed my left eye isnt as fuzzed lol. Strange :S But yer, try doing some eye excercise things every now and then so your eyes dont dry up and make sure to watch anime from a distance and in a well lit room lol.
I just realised I do it when I'm using Photoshop.

I'll just keep drawing/shading until my eyes feel like they're going to explode, whilst gradually creeping upon the monitor.
I had that years ago used to have trouble reading black boards at school too, went to doctors and optomotrists with no answer int he end the problem sorted itself out and I was fine, it actually started to get better when I started using the PC at home.