Expo Saturday Meet Infos


Guild Member
These are the locations & times of where we will meet on the Saturday at Expo.

9am - when we get inside
The earliest of us will be queuing at this point with our fast track tickets. If you arrive at this time, contact one of us by phone (pm myself, Valha, or Shades for numbers) & we'll help you find us & join our advanced place in the queue.

When we get inside - 1pm
If, upon contacting us, we have already made it inside, we may not be able to exit to find you, due to difficulty getting back in quickly. If you queue, then contact us when you make it inside, we will absorb you into our collective mass just inside. There should be an area where anime is being shown; this will be the general gathering area inside expo. If you get inside & cannot find one of us; go to the anime screening area, & phone one of us; that way we know where to find you quickly.

1pm - 2pm
LUNCHTIME! There are two fooding distributors opposite (or almost opposite) the expo entrance, outside of the event. Last expo there was a lot of empty space near them, so our group should stand out pretty well. As usual, phone if in doubt. The lunch meet will be the time at which we may best socialise & meet each other. It will be the best time to chat, take photos, exchange bodily fluids, etc.

Free stuff will be given out during the day, however, what, when, where, & why is secret. ;D I will be filming the action with the spamcorder, & there will be a video made after the event providing footage is sufficient. :D

Finally, it is very important that either Valha, Shades, or myself have your mobile number. We don't want to lose anyone in these crowds.

Any questions, etc, do not hesitate to contact one of us by pm, or even post here. <3
come one people is no one going to the expo or you all just shy and if you are theres no reason to be. it will be fun to meet all you guys so come on people. :)
Well u cnat drag me back if u havent seen me ^_^ ill just have to sellotape Minis mouth so she doset shout hi n glomp u :s
I could never imagine u as shy Jake anywayz :3
I found out the other day in my Lost magazine that not only Bernard Hill, but also Andy Serkis will be there, now i think i could cry i'm so disappointed i'm not going, ah, just the chance to see LOTR people from a distance would make my day, why didn't they go to the May one instead
valha said:
well i know what you are cosplaying as so i could just drag everyone thats wearing the same thing and hope its you ..... :p

O.O o...... >> << i new i shouldent have posted the picks of my costume up here x.x BUT!!!! both of them look slightly diffrent now so u might get every1 but me n mini >:3 O_O i hope theres no1 with the same costume as me =x my orignel designe would have been savitaged!!!!! ;o;
Andy Serkis rulz ^_^
I will drag Neko around to meet and greet everyone, i shall be the bouncy (slightly chubby) red-headed girl dressed as a bunny :p and Ill be dragging Neko around so you'll know (btw Valha, the pictures are on the creative page, Nekoness designs )