Exciting graphic novel competition for budding UK artists


Ghost of Animes
Random House have dropped us a note about an exciting new graphical novel competition being organised by The Observer and Comica. After sending in your short graphic novel (obviously, a manga-influenced style is fine), the eventual winner shall receive an impressive <strong>&pound;1000</strong> as prize money as well as a significant step up into the UK comic publishing world.
<ul>"Dear Comic and Graphic Novelist enthusiasts, Jonathan Cape, one of the finest Graphic Novel publishers in the UK, in association with The Observer and Comica are searching for new graphic artist talent with the chance to be published in The Observer and to win &pound;1000."

"The Prize will be judged by industry experts along with the bestselling authors Nick Hornby and Posy Simmonds. It is an exciting opportunity for all aspiring graphic novelists."</ul>
<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/img/generic/2007-07-31leaflet2.pdf">We have uploaded the competition entry form</a>, which you can print off at your leisure, or you can peruse the official site at <a href="http://www.capegraphicnovels.co.uk">www.capegraphicnovels.co.uk</a>. The competition closing date is <strong>Monday, 3rd September</strong>. So get working, aspiring manga-ka, this is your big chance!
Jayme said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Should I enter? I'm unsure.

Yes, i demand you too, and I also think Outlaw should enter as well.

But unfortunatly Ireland isint in the U.K.
Oh well.
Actually this is something thats been really bugging me.
I cant entrr the neo comp, the Jiman comp, or this, only RSOM.
Outlawstar said:
Jayme said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Should I enter? I'm unsure.

Yes, i demand you too, and I also think Outlaw should enter as well.

But unfortunatly Ireland isint in the U.K.
Oh well.
Actually this is something thats been really bugging me.
I cant entrr the neo comp, the Jiman comp, or this, only RSOM.

Ask someone to enter for you, who lives in the UK, then send the prize money to you if you win : P
DaNiMe said:
Ask someone to enter for you, who lives in the UK, then send the prize money to you if you win : P
Haha, yeah that'd work.

"Sorry, you lost but the good news is I just bought a new car!"
I've been talking with the people organizing this competition and they've agreed to answer some questions for an interview. If you have anything you maybe wondering, now's the time to post up and ask! I'll be sure to include your questions along with my own.

Outlawstar: The competition is open to Ireland, read the small print. Northern Ireland is a part of the UK and it specifically notes that Republic of Ireland can enter too.

Anyway, I expect all of you guys with drawing talent to enter. So that especially means WTFDaveMustaine, Cheeky, Sami, Outlawstar and TRASHBAT. It's a great opportunity and well, what have you got to lose? If you don't win, then you still can say you've drawn your own (short) graphic novel, develop your skill that little bit further and release it online yourselves.
Hmm, I guess I might as well enter XD

2 Questions though since we can ask!

1.) It is only one page right? (I wasn't 100% sure on that)
2.) Are they giving out the prize at London at the festival? (AKA, you have to be there right?) - I thought I'd might as well ask :p
Ok now Im angry.
I downloaded Adobe reader and when I try to open the entry form with it it keeps saying,checksum error,File is corrupt.
Any theories?
Outlawstar said:
Ok now Im angry.
I downloaded Adobe reader and when I try to open the entry form with it it keeps saying,checksum error,File is corrupt.
Any theories?

Just to be sure, What Internet browser are you using.

I'm using Mozilla Firefox.
Jayme said:
Outlawstar said:
Ok now Im angry.
I downloaded Adobe reader and when I try to open the entry form with it it keeps saying,checksum error,File is corrupt.
Any theories?

Just to be sure, What Internet browser are you using.

I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

Internet explorer.
I have IE but it worked okay for me. Huh.
Maybe the file downloaded was in error? (Maybe you should try downloading it somewhere else? (I have no idea LOL''))
Outlawstar said:
Jayme said:
Outlawstar said:
Ok now Im angry.
I downloaded Adobe reader and when I try to open the entry form with it it keeps saying,checksum error,File is corrupt.
Any theories?

Just to be sure, What Internet browser are you using.

I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

Internet explorer.
Try right-clicking on the link and choose Save Target As, save the file and open it when it has completed downloading. (Sometimes Acrobat's integration with IE fouls up so it may be worth trying to open with Acrobat itself, which that will do.)
Padfoot said:
This sounds intresting, I might enter myself depending on how many pages are required? Do we have any idea yet as to how many?
It's gotta be only one page because the winner is apparently going to have thier comic in a page of the Guardian. It's worded kind of oddly in the entry form but I'm 90% sure it's one page. Paul can probably verify.