
Epic Movie trailer online!
No blockbuster is sacred as the Scary Movie crowd give their take on Snakes, Hanks and Narnia!
28 Nov 2006 9:21am

Hey you! Yeah, you know who you are… The one who bought every Scary Movie flick on DVD and then took his missus to see Date Movie… twice. Do you even care what the fallout of your actions are? Well, you’ve gone and done it now… Get ready for Epic Movie.

As the trailer proudly informs us, this movie is from two of the six Scary Movie creators… great. Epic Movie follows the usual pattern – mercilessly ripping the proverbial out of the box office’s most notable triumphs from the last two years or so.

There will be the odd laugh out loud moment (we’re looking forward to seeing what they’ve done with Da Vinci Code) and there will be those that fly way past the target. But to be honest, if the trailer is anything to go by, Epic Movie will be a decent enough time waster

Well we all knew they wouldn't give up on parody movies just cause the Scary Movie franchise had supposidly ended.

Epic Movie Trailer

So I just watched the trailer and although it is the cheap Scary Movie humour I still found myself laughing especially at the Xmen/Magneto scene and the Narnia Cribs bit. Looks like they've managed to cram ALOT of movies in, Charlie and the Choc Factory, Harry Potter, Narnia, Xmen, Snakes on a Plane, Pirates of the Carribean, Borat, oh and the Superman movie too (made me laugh)
After Scary Movie 2 the movies like this got crap, mainly to the Wayan's leaving the franchise for some other idiot to carry a not-funny movie on.
Lupus Inu said:
After Scary Movie 2 the movies like this got crap, mainly to the Wayan's leaving the franchise for some other idiot to carry a not-funny movie on.

Yeah I loved their style of comedy, if you haven't already seen it you should check out White Chicks, just for the line "you know what they say baby once you've had black.... yo gonna need a wheel chair in the morning"
Lupus Inu said:
Lmao, yeah, I've seen White Chicks, it's awesome, though I still find Scary Movie 2 to be better.

The Wayans certainly have a unique sense of humour. I am still looking forward to Epic movie though, hopefully by cutting down on writters it'll flow better than Scary Movie 3
Scary Movie 2 still makes me chuckle "I have to say" (do I really?).

I haven't seen White Chicks. Might be worth seeing for a laugh (err, what else, right?).

I like Kung-Pow: Enter The Fist by the way.
Hovis! said:
McIcy, what did you think of the character Whow?! lol

I'm going to buy Kung-Pow soon...

You really wanna get the dvd as the extras are brilliant, and weren't on the rental version I got to see first time around
This film is the most unfunny piece of garbage that i've ever seen. Really this is the lowest Parody can get on a good budget.