Northern Ireland's annual anime convention Tomo-Dachi have announced the opening of pre-registrations and confirmed that the multi-talented English dub maestro Mike McFarland will be their guest of honour. McFarland's credits include dub director of Full Metal Alchemist and music director for the upcoming music-drama BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Tomo-Dachi now will run from Friday 24th August through to Sunday 26th August (originally planned for September) at the University of Ulster’s Magee Campus in Londonderry. There are only 250 places available and you can register on the official website (2 day entry: £25, 3 day entry: £25 - En-suite Accommodation: £25 per night).
Tomo-Dachi now will run from Friday 24th August through to Sunday 26th August (originally planned for September) at the University of Ulster’s Magee Campus in Londonderry. There are only 250 places available and you can register on the official website (2 day entry: £25, 3 day entry: £25 - En-suite Accommodation: £25 per night).