Embarrassing Stories


Stand User
Its time to confess them!

My best friend has never let me forget this one which is why i'm bringing it up...

Halloween about 3 years ago, I was in this Metal club in belfast because my best friends boyfriend was playing there and i was VERY drunk which is usually when embarressing stories take place. So its halloween, i'm drunk and i see this girl wearing a costume with big foam tits so naturally i start grabbing these big foam tits and we start making out... for quite awhile actually. Then i stop, look her straight in the face and slur... "wait are you a dude... ?"
Needless to say, she was not happy and tries to throw her drink of over me but somehow i manage to dodge it, i dunno and it goes all over the guy behind me. And because its a metal club obviously this starts a riot so i slip off for a fag outside and a taxi. The end ^_^
lmao thats classic,

Well....lemme think back... There's once where i took my mates 8 miles down a road (walking) because i refused to admit i wasn't sure where we where and so we walked back home.....only to find out the following day that we where 5 minutes to the right of where we wanted to be :facepalm:

when i remember more. i'll probs post em.