Dodgy Slayers Vol.2 Disc

Gundam Junkie

Brigade Leader
I don't know whether it's just my player, but there appears to be a serious problem with the second DVD volume of Slayers.
In short, the soundtrack goes out of sync and the picture stops and starts, getting more and more erratic as the disc plays on.

It starts quite early, making the apperence of and subseqent battle with Shabranigdo virtually impossible to watch.

Thinking it may have been a one-off, I got myself a replacement, but alas, the same error shows up.

If anyone has any suggestions on where to go from here I would appreciate it.

Ta chaps!
There's a thread on the subject at Eyeonanime

It's one of those random disc/random player incompatibility issues. Regardless of where you purchased the disc, get in touch with MVM, the link's in the thread, explaining your problem. Apparently they're looking into remastering a new batch for people with issues.