Do you visit too many anime websites? We need you!


Ghost of Animes
Over the last few weeks I've been toiling away in darkness coding a new feature for the site. It's a newly furnished web links directory and it's nearly finished- we now just need to fill it up with links! So if you visit a fair few anime websites (no matter how obscure or genre related) and wouldn't mind helping out Anime UK News, post up your favourite URLs below!
Hmmm... I've got some sites but they are more to do with buying than reviews. They do contain anime related merchandise which you can buy. Well here they are:
You can purchase DVDs and special collectors tins from here along with other bits. It's a UK site I think, well it works in pounds.
This site has more figures and other merchandise related to manga/ anime.
Popster said:
Finally, a site that is all but dead, but I still think is a good resource for anime reviews and some humorous features, not to mention a great screenshot gallery: Point Blank -
Trouble is, people go to point-blank for their Bit-torrent tracker. I don't think animeuknews should link to a place like that.

A few random thoughts from me: - a site that lists several thousand websites that list fans of anime subjects. - definitive Ghibli source - probably one of the biggest US anime sites (what is it with anime sites and ugly layouts tho?)
Trouble is, people go to point-blank for their Bit-torrent tracker. I don't think animeuknews should link to a place like that.

True enough, but Redmumba was a good friend back in the day so I still like to sing his praises
Just a note to say I've pretty much got all of the obvious web sites covered, I'd rather get links to the more obscure stuff you all tend visit. You know, like graphical sites, yuri and yaoi sites and all the rest :) Stuff that people like you would be pleased to find.