Do we all horde anime?


I’d been thinking about how it is quite widely considered that anime is expensive. That opinion has cropped up often, particularly in the recent ‘fansubs...evil’ thread.

Now I don’t really want to start a debate on whether anime is expensive or not but I am interested in the way that we do have a tendency to horde anime.

I myself have a pretty huge collection of DVD’s and I’ve only been buying them for a year and a few weeks. But once I’ve finish watching a series or a movie, the vast majority of them just sit there, untouched. They’re proudly displayed but with only a few exceptions they are never again viewed. I just move on to another series.

I certainly don’t think that I’m alone with this approach and it made me think about how there is next to no second hand market for anime. You only have to look at e-bay and see that the number of genuine DVD’s being sold by private persons in auctions is virtually zilch. That’s if you can be bothered hunting through all the hundreds of crappy bootlegs to find a genuine DVD.

So even though I’m unlikely to watch many of the series I own again, I can say that I have no intention of selling any of them (in the foreseeable future at least).

This has been a slightly odd post and I guess it’s a bit like thinking aloud but does anyone have any thoughts on anime fan’s hording habits or the lack of any real second hand market?

Sometimes it seems as if Sy and Ninja Boy! are the second hand anime market!
I dont realy buy that much anime and the anme i do have i tend not to watch. But with my manga i do probably read them once then they wont be read for again or for a long time. I think the fact is that once youve seen something great the second time around it just doesnt feel the same and kind of lets the anime or manga down.
Its funny, i do horde DVDs in general but not anime.....

The only anime that i have on DVD is the stuff that i will definitely watch again and again. Not going too far down the price avenue of things i always look to get the most for my money, after all unless you're buying a TV series you're never paying more than £15 for a DVD but if you're looking to get something like Naruto, FMA or any of the other longer series its some serious £££ you're dropping.

Anyways the anime that i own i thoroughly enjoy. It doesnt really matter to me if the series itself has "replay" value such as with EVa. It can be as shallow as anything (ie Blood: The Last Vampre) but ill still watch it again in a couple months time for sure.

But yes the thought of actually selling said anime is unthinkable unless i needed cash fast. :)
I have over 100 animu DVDs and I can honestly say I've never watched them more than once, EVER, sometimes I have never watched them at all, and I don't really sell DVDs and manga, I prefer to keep it all.
I usually re-watch series I like. I dont have a huge collection of anime/manga. Hell, merge mine and Ryo's together and it's still not a huge collection (although it covers numerous shelves.)

My manga is re-read. It kills time and I like the images.

As for hording them, I would never sell them on E-bay etc. I've considered giving some to libraries just to make space and spread the fandom. But I've not taken any action like that.
Yup I’ve got a natural hording instinct. I have bought manga in the passed and not liked them and yet I’ve kept them. I really just can't part with anime/manga once I’ve got it :S
I have a stupidly large and growing pile of manga to read. I really need to have manga session *I guess I know what I’ll be doing in my free time over half term then :p*
And I’m not much better when it comes to DVDs, I also can't part with them. I don't even like loaning them to friends who I know won't damage them I’m just like that >_>
'My' precious....!

Yep, i'm a horder. :oops:

Although having said that, there are several series that I've watched a few times, but usually it's buy-watch-shelf-forget.

Any that I know I want to watch again I tend to convert and stick on my PSP, so technically, the DVDs are horded even though I still watch the series. :? Eventually, i'll have my entire collection converted for PSP but currently I have the whole of Nadesico, Full Metal Panic, FMP-FUMOFFU, Kiddy Grade, as well as the first 5 episodes of Tenchi installed on my memory stick. :eek:
Chaz said:
I've considered giving some to libraries just to make space and spread the fandom. But I've not taken any action like that.

Ha, thats sounds like a good idea.

Anyways, I dont really have much anime to horde. Mainly becuase I dont have much money =( I've sold a few anime dvd's to a few people in my school that kept asking me for them becuase they never stock up in our ****** HMV, the only place that sells anime >__> I've watched the movies, and I didnt think I'd watch them again and anyway, I've made some money =)

But I have quite a few mangas, I've re-read some of them but I dont intend on selling any of them.
I just buy pretty much whole series and watch like, three episodes, then just...not bother anymore. =/

I own hundreds of wrestling DVDs I've never watched too though, so yeah... -_-
I'm a hoarder =)

I'd never sell anything related to anime, and I've watched multiple series/movies and listened to CDs over and over again, and will continue to do so. I've lent some to friends and such in some cases as well.
If I put all my anime together, it'd probably just about fit inside a cupboard, but my cupboards are huge, the depth of two vertical standing DVDs and if I rearranged the supports inside I could probably fit about 12 layers on.

Hoarding rules, and it feels so good!

EDIT: Oh and yeah, in a few years, if and when I get my own place, and have a nice space to arrange my collection; I shall take a nice full-size picture of it and post it here : ).
My Manga collection is a tad more extensive than my anime collection, Due to the main fact that I don't like reading 'Scanlations'. I'd much rather own the genuine thing and have money going towards the companies. My anime collection could do with a top up, But, With both collections I most definately do horde pretty much everything. I don't like losing what I so rightfully have purchased.
Jayme said:
My Manga collection is a tad more extensive than my anime collection, Due to the main fact that I don't like reading 'Scanlations'. I'd much rather own the genuine thing and have money going towards the companies.

Yeah I second that.
I've currently got 22 DVD's to watch (working my way through) but not alot of manga to read (it's all library stuff I've got to read.)

I'm also one of these people that buys something, watches it and then never watches it again. I'm trying to break the habit and rewatch some series when I have some time, but I don't know how successful that would be.

And to whoever was going to donate manga to their library - I am extremely in awe of your ability to do so XD I'm one of these psycho's that hates it when books have their spines cracked etc, and I've seen some of the manga in my local libraries - not a pretty sight. Even if I don't particular want the manga they're not getting it XD I'd rather keep a book I'd spent money on and never read it again, than to pass it on into a library where it's gonna get destroyed.
Jayme said:
My Manga collection is a tad more extensive than my anime collection, Due to the main fact that I don't like reading 'Scanlations'. I'd much rather own the genuine thing and have money going towards the companies. My anime collection could do with a top up, But, With both collections I most definately do horde pretty much everything. I don't like losing what I so rightfully have purchased.
Welcome to the pack, brethern. :D
I have loads of anime and manga, and i will tend to watch the majority of the stuff again depending on my mood. Usually most of the stuff i have will get two views minimum, once in japanese with subs, and once dubbed. It usually depends on the quality of the dub since sometimes, if its really bad, i'll just leave it and go back to the subs. As for manga, me and my brother are the same in that we won't just read through something once, be it manga, or full blown novels. I guess its just because i don't want it to just be something that stays on the shelf and never get used again =/
I definately horde I'm afraid. I do watch series more than once, but I nearly always find I'll be rewatching something then start on something else ("Oh wow! A trigun boxset! I'll watch FMA again some other time" etc etc) :?
I only sell of series that are so awful having them in my dvd collection is a sin, for example Samurai Gun.... Other than that i am a horder I love my collection and although its true most series will sit there unwatched for months or years, one day i may rewatch them.

I love to sit down when my girlfriend is away and I have the house to myself and watch an old series like Those Who Hunt Elves or Onegai Teacher. Anime cheers me up so selling it makes me sad.
Interesting question. As I write about anime, I have a big collection but I do tend to rewatch quite alot of them - because sometimes you just can't beat the classics. Fruits Basket for example - I've lost track of the number of times I've watched that. As far as hoarding goes, I own a ridiculous amount of manga, stackloads.