Die Hard 4.0: Live Free or Die Hard


Just seen the film and was blown away, i mean WOW, amazing.

I think the highest honour I could give it right now is 'It's a Die Hard Film', I mean it is 100% Die Hard, action, comedy, one-liners.

The story is basically Cyber terrorists are shutting down the USA by crashing everything with a micro-chip in it. A 'Fire-sale' where you basically send the whole country back 100 years, and turn it into a 3rd world by wiping out all its financial data. McClane is sent out to collect a suspented hacker and bring him in for questioning, it just so happens this hacker helped write the code and now the terrorists want him dead, queue the action...... and I mean ACTION

The film never slows down, its action with minor hints of comedy squeezed in (especially the Warlock scenes). the mushy stuff is nowhere to be scene (thankgod) and even McClanes daughter is as kick ass as he is.

Stunts are breath-taking whether its the truck being chased by a fighter jet or fist fights while being suspended in elevator shafts with the world collapsing around them, even the car vs helicopter scene is spot on plausable.

You will now be disappointed with this film and the jet scene alone deems it worth the price of a cinema ticket, go see it on the big screen cause it will no way be as good as on you tv at home (unless you've got a 48+inch plasma hi-def tv and even then only just).

Yesh Bruce Willis gets a co-star (Justin Long) and comedy relief partner but he needed it in this film as some of the action takes place in cyberspace, but Justin does the film proud and gives Willis someone to work off of with some great gags being delivered.

Martial Arts and ParQuor (sp?) are brought out in this game using the skills of Cyril Raffaelli (District 13) who has one of the best scenes in the whole film and also plays the part of the Henchman Willis just can't seem to kill.

KEVIN SMITH (my all time hero) turns up as Warlock a supreme computer hacker and lord of the geeks

Once again GO WATCH THIS MOVIE PLEASE you will not walk away disappointed
I saw this film the other day and i have to say that everything icy wrote is right, although i did watch this film on me tv at home it was still good, i would have loved to see this film in the cinima but ive seen it now and dont see the point, the action is great, the comdy is great even the script is great and i certainly wasnt expecting that from an americann action film. Kevin smith as the warlock made me laugh as well he just turnd up randomly as i never expected it but he wass perfect for the part.

Anyway to sum up, go see this movie now, you wont regret it 8)
It lacked a lot of charm of the previous films but it was still a solid action film. Kevin Smith still irritates me though.
Ninja Boy! said:
i just watched this 2 nights ago, and man...this film was awsome...
it seriously ramed an 'SUV' up Spiderman 3's ass.

Agreed, it put the Spiderman action sequences to shame, and proves that live action far out does the over use of CG footage films are being flooded with these days.

WTFDaveMustaine said:
It lacked a lot of charm of the previous films but it was still a solid action film. Kevin Smith still irritates me though.

Rage boiling, never dismiss the SMITH
I havent seen this yet though I wouldn't say it looks too good...or atleast a little too different from the 1st few Die Hard movies. Yes, I know it'll be different as it's quite a gap from the 3rd to this one and they might want to "keep with the times"(which explains the jets) but still...I wonder if it'll be better than the 1st Die hard.
'Twas an excellent action movie. Great set action pieces and one-liners and old Bruce can still throw a punch and kick a**e with the best of them (how old is he by now...?). My only criticism was the sequence featuring the F35 (a model of plane I didn't know existed...I've long since lef my military geek days behind), which I thought was a bit over-the-top and too closely resembling that Harrier scene from True Lies.

Other than that, it was a really fun action thriller that brings the genre up-to-date with the computer hacking side of things. Easily one of the cinema highlights of the year. My fave scene? Probably the one near the beginning featuring a cop car meeting a helicopter. The explanation? "I ran out of bullets." Classic. :lol: