Devil May Cry clips


The Boss
Adapted from the hit Capcom series of video games, produced by Madhouse Studios and directed by Shin Itagaki (Black Cat; Desert Punk), the complete DEVIL MAY CRY anime series comes to DVD as a three disc release featuring all 12 episodes of the action-packed horror adventure.

DEVIL MAY CRY (cert. 15) will be released on DVD (£24.99) and Blu-ray (£29.99) by Manga on 19th October 2009. Special Features include: interview with Toshiyuki Morikama (the voice of Dante); promos; clean opening; clean closing; seven cut scenes; E3 2007 preview; Tokyo Game Show '06 preview; final 2007 footage; first 2008 footage; English and Japanese (with English subtitles) audio options.
Holy crap, those prices...... Have to be a sucker to buy either the DVD or the Blu-Ray at the full RRP price there. I should hope to see them both be at least £10 less than that from certain places.
Mutsumi said:
Thats better. I still wish they wouldn't put ridiculously high RRPs though as it seems pointless & makes them look bad.
I'd go further and say, why set RRP at all?
In the old days it sure helped smaller independent resellers, but currently they are so heavily discounted everywhere, that the big ones just use the RRP to claim a % off.

In the end it sounds more like a market strategy: set RRP high, sell for a lot less and make people go "WOW, this is just 50% the RRP? what a bargain!"
On the other hand, I see something listed at amazing% off, now £expensive, I ignore it & wait until it drops further. As far as I'm concerned, DVDs should be £10 & Blu-Rays £20, & I judge how much good or bad value they are based on their deviation from that & whether it is justified by extra content.
Mutsumi said:
On the other hand, I see something listed at amazing% off, now £expensive, I ignore it & wait until it drops further. As far as I'm concerned, DVDs should be £10 & Blu-Rays £20, & I judge how much good or bad value they are based on their deviation from that & whether it is justified by extra content.
I didn't mean you. In general the words % off attract people, even if the final £ is not that different.

Worst case scenario it attracts people attention and some might actually thinnk it's a good deal and buy it.
Also, both DVD and BD are complete series, so it's 3DVD's and 2 BD's in that case, what could bring the price within your expectations. Or wouldn't?