The Boss
Adapted from the hit Capcom series of video games, produced by Madhouse Studios and directed by Shin Itagaki (Black Cat; Desert Punk), the complete DEVIL MAY CRY anime series comes to DVD as a three disc release featuring all 12 episodes of the action-packed horror adventure.
DEVIL MAY CRY (cert. 15) will be released on DVD (£24.99) and Blu-ray (£29.99) by Manga on 19th October 2009. Special Features include: interview with Toshiyuki Morikama (the voice of Dante); promos; clean opening; clean closing; seven cut scenes; E3 2007 preview; Tokyo Game Show '06 preview; final 2007 footage; first 2008 footage; English and Japanese (with English subtitles) audio options.
DEVIL MAY CRY (cert. 15) will be released on DVD (£24.99) and Blu-ray (£29.99) by Manga on 19th October 2009. Special Features include: interview with Toshiyuki Morikama (the voice of Dante); promos; clean opening; clean closing; seven cut scenes; E3 2007 preview; Tokyo Game Show '06 preview; final 2007 footage; first 2008 footage; English and Japanese (with English subtitles) audio options.