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Hey im new here and although i have already made two post elsewhere i still figured that i should say hello to all and introduce myself.

My names Jonny im 17 and from London I have been into anime since last summer but only seriously been getting into it in the past months. I own the Final Fantasy Unlimited TV series in single DVD's phases 1-7End (excluding phase 2 i downloaded that) and just brought the 3disc case to avoid clutter and will sell the phases soon. So please if anyone wants them, email me and i will put them on ebay at a "Buy Now" Price of £6.00 plus a £1 p&p maybe even less each.

I saw a preview for Last Exile on the FFU extras and have since brought the entire collection and have gone through 2 of the 3 discs now and i am thoroughly enjoying it!

I have also brought Ghost in the Shell GIG 1 entire series which i cant wait to watch and have also brought Akira which i got this morning, if you look in my thread in the anime discussion i go into a little more depth about my purchases, well i hope to learn from you anime fans and i hope i make a valued contribution to the forums.

Jonny AKA Demonj
