Del Ray bringing their manga to the UK under new label


Ghost of Animes
Anime Europe have noticed that starting in August 2006, US-based manga publisher Del Ray and their parent company Random House intend to start releasing their manga titles in the UK under a new label called "Tanoshimi".

xxxHOLiC and Tsubasa have already been named as being amongst those set for release by Tanoshimi, with a total of 7 new series said to be set for debuts in the UK by December 2006 (as well as "dedicated interactive website.").
Thats the problem. Del Rey's release schedule is spread out enough as it is. Its a great catalog though. I have to pimp the hell out of Nodame Cantabile here too. That series is ace and way under appreciated.
Sounds promising. I know both of these titles are readily available via import, but this is an encouraging sign, not to mention a great boon, to the burgeoning UK manga market . I, for one, will certainly be grabbing myself a copy of XXXholic when it hits these shores.

Is it just me or does it seem to be the case now that 'another day, another piece of EXCELLENT news for the UK'... next we'll be hearing that Naruto is going to be shown on BBC 1 every week day at 8pm, now that would be something :-D

As for this piece of news though, omgwtfhaxtbh :D

And what is very interesting to hear is that, EVERYTHING will be out by December 2006, wouldn't that be a nice christmas pressie to save them all till then :D
Well, reading in the article that they plan to release 15 volumes in August and a total of 7 series by December it is quite telling that they intend to catch up to their US release dates, which is excellent to hear. It will give people less reason to import manga and more reason to buy domestic, which is something I would like to see more of.

Does anyone know what the other 5 titles up for release by Del Rey/Tanoshini are?
I'm looking forward to seeing if they release Genshiken over here, I loved the anime adaptation and really want to stick around with the characters beyond the TV series sadly short lived 13 episodes.
Paul said:
I'm looking forward to seeing if they release Genshiken over here, I loved the anime adaptation and really want to stick around with the characters beyond the TV series sadly short lived 13 episodes.
Well, a second series is just around the corner but yeah I've enjoyed the manga to date. It is excellent fun :). I loved the Kujibiki Unbalanced anime on the Genshiken DVDs. It was an absolutely inspired touch but I wish they would make it for real since it looks immensely silly :D.
Gawyn said:
Paul said:
I'm looking forward to seeing if they release Genshiken over here, I loved the anime adaptation and really want to stick around with the characters beyond the TV series sadly short lived 13 episodes.
Well, a second series is just around the corner but yeah I've enjoyed the manga to date. It is excellent fun :). I loved the Kujibiki Unbalanced anime on the Genshiken DVDs. It was an absolutely inspired touch but I wish they would make it for real since it looks immensely silly :D.

yesh genshiken is a series i loved mainly because its about us. cant wait for the second series. its great news for the uk manga market with having another publisher releasing manga over here, saves importing and means we not missing out on as much as before. i wish them all the luck.
Was the Kuji-ban OVA included on the Genshiken DVDs?

I am loving the Genshiken manga too, read v4 last night.

Speculating as to the other 5 titles that Del Rey might release here, I would guess that Genshiken would certainly be among them. Its certainly one of the more popular of their titles. I would also say that Negima would be released, as Love Hina has sold well for Tokyopop here. I would guess that Gundam SEED manga might come over here too, depending on how popular that is.

The remaining 2 titles, well I guess they would pick somethign that they have a lot of volumes already out for, like Othello and the Wallflower. Those titles would also round out their appeal. I get the funny feeling that Nodame hasn't taken off for them (yet) though its a great easy-to-like manga.

If Naruto or Bleach ever hit TVs over here which seems more likely as the news announcements pile up, I would suspect that Gollanz will get the equivalent mangas. Viz have been laughing all the bank since Naruto started to air - the manga volumes have been jumping off the shelves and it doesn't appear to have even peaked yet. Each successive release is getting higher in book charts and staying in it longer.
Laughing Manji said:
Was the Kuji-ban OVA included on the Genshiken DVDs?
Yes. On each of the three US DVDs there is a "bonus Kuji-un episode". It also gets its own "Main Menu", which gives you the extra of "Bonus Genshiken Episodes" as if it is the main feature, which is a brilliant little twist on the whole fake anime within an anime story in Genshiken :D.
Gawyn said:
Laughing Manji said:
Was the Kuji-ban OVA included on the Genshiken DVDs?
Yes. On each of the three US DVDs there is a "bonus Kuji-un episode". It also gets its own "Main Menu", which gives you the extra of "Bonus Genshiken Episodes" as if it is the main feature, which is a brilliant little twist on the whole fake anime within an anime story in Genshiken :D.

That is a nice feature, I can't wait for my Genshiken DVDs and Kuji-Un gashapon to arrive :D .
Was just searching a bit on Amazon, and the following titles are listed with Tanoshimi as the publisher. I list Amazon's first volume publication date knowing full well that Amazon's listings have their problems (example: They list a Tanoshimi-published 4th volume of Gundam Seed as being out for April this year, list the 1st Volume out Jan next year, and no other volumes.).

The Seven Series:
Basilisk (August 3rd)
Ghost Hunt (August 3rd)
Guru Guru Pon Chan (August 3rd)
Negima (August 3rd)
Tsubasa (August 3rd)
XxxHolic (August 3rd)
Air Gear (October 5th)

Followed by, next year:
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (January 4th 2007)
School Rumble (January 4th 2007) ... 01-3065447

And No Genshiken.

Note that they're churning the volumes out quite quickly. By January they'll have 12 volumes of Tsubasa on the shelves. In fact, it looks like most of the Aug 3rd series will be releases of the first 3 volumes.

Edit: You know, it would be just lovely if the companies that published Manga in the Uk would get their act together and have proper corporate sites letting us know what Manga there is for us to buy on the highstreet. And amazon is just one confusing maze of imports, inaccuracies and random naming conventions (you can suggest corrections to their listings, so if you have some spare time, clean up after the big corporate monster :p!)