Death Note Movies


After a long time of waiting to see this movie I was left with one strong question in my mind and that was 'Was this made for TV?' because it sure looks like it. It doesn't have much cinematic feel to it at all that would take it's place on the big screen. It could have been handled a whole lot better I think. From the break for a song during the middle of the film to the overall clean look it should have been a more dark gritty film.

I'll point out that I didn't see any of the anime or read any of the manga before I saw this so my view was totally unbiased at the time I saw it. Having said that it wasn't all bad and I did still enjoy it somewhat but now looking back after seeing a large chunk of the series it made me think even less of the movie. It just wasn't effective for two main reasons. The special effects were pretty good but at times just looked fake and silly, examples being Ryuk dangling upside down from the ceiling and the guy getting hit by the car. The latter especially as it just came off as looking rather goofy.

Also the way L reveals himself to Light at the end of the movie just had no impact at all. This is the cliffhanger that's meant to make me want to watch the second movie? It was handled so much better in the anime and gave perfect reasoning why he couldn't kill him. The FBI agents fiancee running around bound in leather looked rather stupid as well.

One last thing that annoyed me was that the ending music just blasted out of nowhere and didn't fit. I didn't much care for the OP or ED of the anime either but for a movie you'd thing they'd go out with a bit more class.

But ah well at least after seeing the anime I can say that there is a good version of this story.
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Just finished watching the second movie, all thanks to the Easter holidays.

I'm going to say that I was for the most part impressed by this second installment. I don't know how the manga originally went (and I don't want to know before anyone starts to tell me!) but I thought it was wrapped up rather nicely and the whole thing seemed a lot more cinematic which was my main complaint with the first movie(especially the final scene). Rem however did look rather cartoony compared to how Ryuk looks which was a little disappointing but not too distracting.

After watching this second part I have more respect for the first part and i'll probably watch them both again sometime soon. Not much else to say aside from that it was a good double bill. Not perfect by any means and not quite as 'edge of your seat' as the has been but still very worthwhile.
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I agree with what you said about it seeming as if it was made for TV.Throughout my brother kept saying 'its just a TV programme!'

My honest thoughts on the first movie were that i really enjoyed it.I however had nothing to go on,not having seen the anime or read the manga.So that may be why,not being exposed to any other version.

About the cliff hanger end though,i quite liked it! the way L pulled out the same brand of crisps Light used earlier to conceal the writing of the criminals name did make me smile quite a lot.Though as i said,i havnt seen any other version so i am biased.

I ordered the second film the other day,and recently got told by a friend that her copy of the film had rather crappy subtitles.So im a bit worried...did yours seem to be alright?
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The subtitles seemed fine on my copy although I did notice a few typos like 'and' being spelt as 'andt' and a few things weren't translated but not enough to detract from the film though (I was really pissed at first that L's real name wasn't translated though but afterwards I was kinda glad because it's something to look forward to in the anime).

About the ending to the first movie. When I saw it I hadn't seen anything about Death Note before either but the whole pulling the same brand of crisps from behind his back... I dunno... it just seemed kinda lame to me. Then a few days later I saw that scene in the anime and it was a 'woah!' moment although it was handled totally differently. I think even though they had to keep the length of the movie in mind they could have handled their meeting a touch more interestingly
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I ordered the box set of both movies of CD-WOW. last Thursday i think. does anyone know the time it takes CD-WOW. i didn't know if they would have to import the film or just have it over here ready to be dispatched. Also if it should be here already and it did get get imported it might be at damn Customs, Like my Invader ZIM box set.

[edit] box set arrived