Death Note live action

Don't worry, Its not. That was only for the Trailer. It was surprisingly good though. ANN Reported on this quite a while back. I wouldn't get your hopes for it though. The first movie is pretty poor and whilst the second one is better. Its nothing special. I also have a friend whom basically only worships Death Note. He has seen Code Geass and Black Lagoon along with some Naruto and possibly some other stuff. Death Note just does it for him. Strange what that notebook of death can do oneself.
Jayme said:
Don't worry, Its not. That was only for the Trailer. It was surprisingly good though. ANN Reported on this quite a while back. I wouldn't get your hopes for it though. The first movie is pretty poor and whilst the second one is better. Its nothing special. I also have a friend whom basically only worships Death Note. He has seen Code Geass and Black Lagoon along with some Naruto and possibly some other stuff. Death Note just does it for him. Strange what that notebook of death can do oneself.

Yes, i agree it was a good dub, but i don't think they could make lip sync, if they could then i'd be all for it, But if they couldn't it would end up like that movie 'Kung-pow!'

And yes, My friend is the same, He's also tried other series but "None compete with Death Note"
Was anyone else disappointed with the live action motion picture of Death Note? It was exactly like the anime and therefore totally predictable. :evil:

I say stick to the anime.
I didn't find it predictable at all! It deviated way off the original storyline and the ending for the second movie annoyed me so much I almost broke the tv.

Worse news than dubbing DN. Aren't there rumours about a Hollywood re-make with Zac Effron potentially playing Light?
Nothing against Effron, but this is going to go SO wrong. We'll have English speaking Misa's everywhere.
Hm, I got bored halfway through the film and switched off. Maybe I'd have liked it more if I hadn't seen the anime. I knew the story already so everything was very rushed and lots was missed out. I just don't think trying to condense 37 episodes into a 2 hour film really works.
Fluorite Kaz said:
Hm, I got bored halfway through the film and switched off. Maybe I'd have liked it more if I hadn't seen the anime. I knew the story already so everything was very rushed and lots was missed out. I just don't think trying to condense 37 episodes into a 2 hour film really works.

Big mistake.

It pairs off from the Anime. Go watch again. Also, there are 2 movies, the second being pretty lengthy. I loved them, and i've seen the Anime and read the Manga
The first Death Note film is average; a poor adaptation of the excellent start. The lead can't act very well, having none of the charisma of Light from the manga and coming across as very average, and the filler girlfriend story was bad on various levels I'm too lazy to detail yet again.

The second movie is a lot better. The Sakura TV incident was handled badly, including a pathetic filler scene where Light's sister screamed, but the last 15-20 minutes of the film made up for everything else. A lot of people think the proper DN story should've ended like it did in the second movie.