The Boss
"The <a href="">official website for the Darker Than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini </a>television anime series has opened with a 15-second promotional video. The series premieres in Japan this October as the sequel to Tensai Okamura and BONES' original Darker than BLACK science-fiction adventure series from 2007. The story continues two years later and follows the main characters Hiei and Yin on the run as they encounter a Russian-Japanese girl named Suō Pavlichenko.
Original character designer Yuji Iwahara, anime character designer and chief animation director Takahiro Komori, and most of the main staff return, although Yasushi Ishii (Hellsing) is now listed as the musical composer instead of Yoko Kanno. A wallpaper for personal computers had been posted in three sizes."
The series is available from Manga in the UK.
<a href="">From Ann</a>
Original character designer Yuji Iwahara, anime character designer and chief animation director Takahiro Komori, and most of the main staff return, although Yasushi Ishii (Hellsing) is now listed as the musical composer instead of Yoko Kanno. A wallpaper for personal computers had been posted in three sizes."
The series is available from Manga in the UK.
<a href="">From Ann</a>