Damn You Hovis! - FFX2


Just great was chatting to Hovis online tonight about nothing special just comparing notes on films and games and we got to talking about Final Fantasy X2, a game I got about 70% through and then my PS2's memory card went bust and I lost all my saves (this was about a year ago and couldn't face restarting it at the time so it has been left on my shelf gathering dust).

Anyway we're talking about the opening video (very j-pop) and the battle system and so on, and I decide to get the game out, I still have a save on there at about 10% but decided as its been so long since I played it I'd start again...... THAT WAS 4 HOURS AGO!!!!!!

Played the opening bit up to the first save and then my girlfriend wanted me to go to bed so off I went anyway led in bed and thought fudge it I'll just play a bit more........ I'm now at 12% its 2am and have been on it for about 3 hours straight.

I am now gonna attempt to creep back into bed without waking my g/f as she has work tomorrow, luckily (or unluckily depending on how she views the situation) I am off shift, but if I wake her and get yelled at (and end up back on the sofa) Hovis will be getting an earful tomorrow. Honestly every time I chat to him online I end up shopping for more anime/movies/games he recommends or in this case playing games all night.

Cheers Hovis!

From a Dead Man
FFX-2, i like this game, though i know several don't. It was a bit short though but you could play through it more than once and you have two different endings(or was it more..can't remember) but its still good and it brought back the time-based combat which i liked from some of the other FF games, and the class switching within battles added more strategy i thought
Well made it into bed, but got an earful this morning.

Just got up and the house is empty so was about to contiue playing X-2 when found a note, I have to go swimming today at 12, dammit, the game will have to wait til I get back, still no sign of Hovis on here I see either

6 hours I've clocked up on that game and just realised I'm missing Paines Ultimate Costume so I have wated all that time as the only way to get it now is to restart the game

ARGHHHHHHHHHH now I remember why I hate this game I did this last time and had to restart it all over again.

I hate it when games have must have items but go no where near them so if you miss you you are stuck without them and the game become 100% harder

FFX-2 was too short for my liking, and the fact that side quests became unavailible as you progresed through the game annoyed me, as I didn' realise this until the end and I had missed a lot of stuff. Also, I didn't feel there was a need, story-wise, for a sequel to FFX. I liked the way the story ended in FFX.
I remember when the news that there would be a Final Fantasy X sequel broke when Square had promo-posters at TGS (iirc). I remember flatly denying that they were real on the basis that they looked like poor photoshops and because I believed Square were above the character design they'd chosen for Yuna. Apparently, this is a policy I have upheld ever since, because I don't own the game, and the scars it made on my eyes, ears and brain have been erased after I made the mistake of actually borrowing it.

Having played my fair share of FFs, I was surprised that FFX-2 didn't even pretend to have gameplayability by rewarding me with an in-engine shot of a waterfall for running around besaid island for far too long. Square lost something with the release of this game. I think it was credability. It was the point at which they stopped being a hardworking developer making a succession of vastly different titles, and turned into a lazy one who reused 90% of their previous art-assets and cashed in with lazy sequels that do nothing to further the stories they suceed.

Or perhaps, the root of all this lies in Kingdom Hearts? Square saw how Disney moneyspin from ridiculous cheapquels to their classic animated movies and liked it so much that they ended up emulating them?
FF-X2 > X ;). I'm afraid I've never been a huge fan of the FF franchise as a whole, and I had a lot more fun playing Yuna as a lead rather than "guy_with_spikey_hair_001".
I adore Final Fantasy X-2. It may not have as good a story as the first (#X) but the combat system was much better in my opinion. I want to have a dress sphere! ;-D

By the way McIcy, apologies about contributing in keeping you away from bed with your missus! ;-D
Hovis! said:
I adore Final Fantasy X-2. It may not have as good a story as the first (#X) but the combat system was much better in my opinion. I want to have a dress sphere! ;-D

By the way McIcy, apologies about contributing in keeping you away from bed with your missus! ;-D

No worries Hovis and I agree I like the continuation of the story as Yuna searches for Tidus, just wish I could finish the game, well I'm now gonna hold out for FF12 and when I complete that I will once again re-attempt x2